Thy Loving Kindness, Lord, I Sing
1. Thy loving kindness, Lord, I sing, Of grace and life the
2. I to thy mercyseat repair, And find thy loving-
sacred spring; The spring o'er-flowing, rich, and
kindness there; And when to thy sweet word I
free, In precious blood, once shed for me.
go, Thy loving kindness there I know.
3. Each evening, from the world apart,
Thy loving kindness cheers my heart;
And when the day salutes mine eyes,
I see thy loving kindness rise.
4. Lord, from the moment of my birth,
I've nothing known but love on earth;
By day, by night, where'er I be,
Thy loving kindness follows me.
5. From daily sin and daily woe
Thy loving kindness saves me now;
And I will praise, for sins forgiven,
Thy loving kindness all, in heaven.
2. I to thy mercyseat repair, And find thy loving-
sacred spring; The spring o'er-flowing, rich, and
kindness there; And when to thy sweet word I
free, In precious blood, once shed for me.
go, Thy loving kindness there I know.
3. Each evening, from the world apart,
Thy loving kindness cheers my heart;
And when the day salutes mine eyes,
I see thy loving kindness rise.
4. Lord, from the moment of my birth,
I've nothing known but love on earth;
By day, by night, where'er I be,
Thy loving kindness follows me.
5. From daily sin and daily woe
Thy loving kindness saves me now;
And I will praise, for sins forgiven,
Thy loving kindness all, in heaven.
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