Ear of Corn

Of the water fall 'tis born,
In the nodding fields of corn,
Blest type of Masons' love and plenty;
And the hymn of our delight
Shall be this symbol bright,
Singing the type of love and plenty. Chorus . —

The emblem of plenty,
The rich, GOLDEN EAR ,
Gift of a Father of grace ever dear, —
Oh, the hymn of our delight,
Shall be of this emblem bright,
Singing the type of love and plenty.

Of the bliss of earth it tells, —
Every blessing in it dwells, —
Sunshine is on its treasure golden;
And the cooling drops of morn
Have bedewed the nodding C ORN , —
Ripe in the field of treasure golden.

In the nodding E AR OF C ORN ,
Finds the spirit, weary, worn,
Hopes, hopes of better days in Heaven;
When the harvest toil is done,
And the feasting is begun, —
Joy, joy, the Sabbath day of Heaven!

Let the golden symbol be
Where the toiling Crafts may see,
Toiling, and never quite despairing;
Of the water fall 'tis born,
In the nodding fields of Corn,
Meet for the soul in its despairing.
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