

Fair Isabell , if ought but thee
I could, or would, or Like, or Love;
Of other Beauties but approve
To sweeten my Captivitie:
I might those Passions be above,
Those pow'rful Passions that combine
To make, and keepe me onely thyne.


Or, if for tempting Treasure I
Of, the World's God , prevailing Gold ,
Could see thy Love, and my truth sold,
A greater, Nobler Treasurie ;
My flame to thee might then grow cold,
And I like one whose love is sence,
Exchange thee for Convenience.


But when I vow to thee, I doe
Love thee above or health or Peace ,
Gold , Joy , and all such toys as these,
'Bove Pietie and Honour too:
Thou then must know this Love can cease,
Nor change for all the glorious show
Wealth and Discretion bribes us too.


What such a love deserves, thou Sweete ,
As knowing best, may'st best reward;
I, for thy bounty well prepar'd,
With open Armes my Blessing meete,
Then do not, Dear , our joys detard;
But unto him propitious be,
That knows not Love, nor life, but thee.
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