Wounded Love -


Tem. What moves you thus?
Flo. That which I read. And yet,
'Tis a stale sorrow; but a woman's wrong.
Tem. You give these moods of sentiment, these dreams
Of fancy too much sway. I pray you, Florence,
Follow example and conform your course
To custom, and the fashion of the times.
What air-spun grief o'erwrought you?
Flo. I have said,
A common theme. You'd know it? Years ago
A maiden gave her faith in trust to one
Who after found its custody a burthen.
Fame, courtlier manners, more instructed smiles
Made his vows — fetters. When she heard, she wept not.
Her whole heart was one frozen tear. Alas!
She was a simple girl and had not learned
The fashion of the times.
Tem . A foolish girl!
What she supposed reluctance might be prudence.
Flo . The fashion of the times calls falsehood so?
Tem . But he did not desert her!
Flo . You have read
The story then?
Them . I say, whate'er his sins,
His honour bound him keep the oath he pledged —
He kept his word.
Flo . And for his honour's sake!
Oh, pardon me: he did not keep his word.
He vowed a heart whose tribute was its life,
A love should leap to hers like flame to flame!
He gave her — what? A hesitating hand
Because his honour bade him. Oh, she meant
Her love to be his trophy, not his chain!
Tem . He would have wed her. 'Twas his oath's extent.
What could he more than yield the rights she claimed?
Flo . The rights!
Tem . Yes; I concede the rights.
Flo . The rights of love.
They are so easily phrased — so soon restored;
Heart-strings a touch untunes, a touch repairs.
O Sir, thou canst not love! Love has no rights;
It does not know the word. Earth's substance ta'en,
Earth's laws may give thee back. Thy fair repute
Maligned, earth's laws may vindicate. But love
That in it has no property of earth —
Has no appeal there. Rights it casts away,
Is proud to be defenceless; all its bond
The nature it confides in. Break that bond,
It feels its beggary — but pleads no rights.
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