Take Them Away They'll Drive Me Crazy

Riding in the Park, or down town shopping
At the Matinee, or singing in the choir
Everywhere a dazzling blaze of beauty
Blinds my eyes and sets my soul afire

How my heart thumps and how my head whirls!
Don't you look this way, beautiful girls!
Oh, take them away, they'll drive me crazy!
Oh! the saucy, pretty, winnning, witty, mischief-loving girls!

How my heart thumps and how my head whirls!
Don't you look this way, beautiful girls!
Oh, take them away, they'll drive me crazy!
Oh! the saucy, pretty, winnning, witty, mischief-loving girls!

As I sit beside them, charming creatures,
Little do they know how I tempted to
Throw my arms around their necks, and kiss them!
Though, of course, I know it wouldn't do.

Gliding through the gateway, there they go! there they go!
Don't they make you think of broken string of pearls?
Tripping up the stairway, here they come! here they come!
While the zephyrs frolic in their curls.

Every day so near, and yet so distant--
Everywhere so plenty, yet so little mine--
Doubtless they are angels wrongly labelled,
Angels made in other spheres to shine.

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