Snarling Cup of Coffee
and other coffee inspired poems
Coffee Poems
I am a coffee addict. I admit it. Gots to have my daily fix but nowadays mostly decaf but in the morning I have a real cup to get my juices going kicking starting my day with that caffeine buzz going around my head.
I have written 60 poems about coffee and posted them on my blog - along with photos and audio clips of me reading the poems, plus one SF short story featuring an alien coffee trader.
I am sending them to Starbucks and Peets along with this cover letter.
peets coffee
peets coffee
Letter to Peets
Dear Peets coffee
I am a coffee addict. I admit it. Gots to have my daily fix but nowadays mostly decaf but in the morning I have a real cup to get my juices going kicking starting my day with that caffeine buzz going around my head.
I have written 60 poems about coffee and posted them on my blog - along with photos and audio clips of me reading the poems, plus one SF short story featuring an alien coffee trader.
I grew up in Berkeley and drank lots of Peets coffee at the original Peets, which I consider the mecca of coffee shops in the U.S.
Once when you were still a Bay Area chain, I took back 25 pounds of Peet’s coffee to share with my Indian friends when i was working at the US Consulate there in 2003. They loved the coffee!
“My last job
in the State Department
I had my ritual down
I would go ou
after lunch
to Peet’s across from the WH
and buy a decaf Americano
or decaf white chocolate moccha
nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla
chocolate and hazel nut
whip cream on top
usually took it back
but sometimes
I lingered at Peet’s
in the Berkeley feeling
thinking back
to all the great cups of coffee
I have had
at Peet’s in Berkeley
the original
and the Solano Avenue
Peets coffee shop”
Now I am retired from my 27years of service with the US State Department as a diplomat, and living in Korea and wondering and hoping that you have expansion plans and are hoping you would open a Peet’s coffee shop in Seoul or even better in Youngjangdo near the airport in the new Howard Johnson's hotel complex next to the subway.
So many Koreans have studied over the years in Berkeley that Peets is well known in Korea.There is a Berkeley Coffee shop in Iteaewon run by a former Cal Student. He loved Peet’s coffee.
Peets is available at the US military Commissary but not in the local market.
I hope you enjoy the poems and you have my permission to publish them if you wish.
the rest of the poems can be found at my web site, the world according to cosmos (https://theworldaccordingtocosmos.com)
Jake Cosmos Aller
Letter to Starbucks
I am a coffee addict. I admit it. Gots to have my daily fix but nowadays mostly decaf but in the morning I have a real cup to get my juices going kicking starting my day with that caffeine buzz going around my head.
I have written 60 poems about coffee and posted them on my blog - along with photos and audio clips of me reading the poems, plus one SF short story featuring an alien coffee trader.
Starbucks is my second favorite coffee shop. Being from Berkeley, of course Peets is number one in my heart but Starbucks is number two.
I used to drink coffee at the original Starbucks downtown when I was a graduate student at UW. Who knew that Starbucks would conquer the know universe?
here is Korea there seems to be a Starbucks on every corner. But alas, no Peets.
hope you enjoy the poems.
I hope you enjoy the poems and you have my permission to publish them if you wish.
the rest of the poems can be found at my web site, the world according to cosmos (https://theworldaccordingtocosmos.com)
Jake Cosmos Aller
Snarling Cup of Coffee
Coffee Revolution
Ode to Coffee
No more Coffee Blues
Coffee Ya Du
Morning cup of coffee
Drinking Coffee in the Morning
Coffee Pot Killed
Drinking My Coffee
morning coffee/dawning sun
Coffee McGur Poem
Hot Coffee
Electrified Hot Coffee
Coffee Patina
Hot Coffee Che Chu poem
Coffee Love Thoughts
Morning Coffee
Morning Coffee 2
Morning coffee 3
Coffee Terzanelle
Coffee Aquarian
Japanese Coffee Barista
watching the news while drinking coffee
Vietnamese Coffee Lady
Coffee Sends Me to Heaven then Crashes to Hell
Coffee Haiku
God in My Coffee
Revolution in My Cup of Coffee
God Drinks Coffee
Coffee Haiku 2
Coffee thoughts
Coffee how I love thee
Coffee Transports me to another world
Coffee Desires
Snarling Cup of Coffee Short version
Ode to Coffee short version*
Coffee My Secret Lover short version
Coffee the Drink of Revolutionaries short version
No More Coffee Blues *short version
Coffee Revolution short version
Daily Coffee Fix
Need More Coffee
Rude Thoughts
Working Blues
This morning
Thoughts While Shaving and Drinking Coffee
Coffee Love Hate Affair
Coffee Blues
Tabang Memories
Impure Thoughts in the Coffee Line
Coffee Acrostic
Coffee Jones
Peets Mecca of Coffee Lovers
Perfect Cup of Coffee
Peets Coffee
Starbucks Coffee
Last Man in Berkeley Drinking Coffee at Peet’s
Non-Establishment Coffee
Korean Coffee Shops
Coffee CinqTroisdecaLaRhyme
Coffee Lai
Coffee Soledad
Alien Coffee Merchant short story
too much coffee
Snarling Cup of Coffee
I like to start my day with a hot cup of coffee
I pound down the coffee
First thing I do every day
as the dawning sun
Lights up my lonesome room
Yeah, but not just a simple cup of java Joe, but a God damn snarling sarcastic smarmy cup of coffee
I mean, - we are talking about an alcoholic, all speed ahead, always hot, always fresh, always there when I need it, angry, attitude talk to the hand Ztude, bad, bad assed, beats breaking, beatnik, bluesy, bitter, bitchy, bombs away, capitalistic, caffeinated up the ass, cinematic, communistic, Colombian grown, Costa Rican inspired, Cowabunga to the max, crazy assed, devilishly angelic, divine, divinely inspired, dyslexic, epic, extreme vetting, evil eye, expensive, erotic vision inducing, Ethiopian coffee house brewed, euphoric, freaky, freazoid, foxy, Frenched kissed, French brewed, funkified, foxy lady, graphic, GOD in my coffee, with Allah, Ganesh, Jesus, Kali, Buddha, Christians, Durga, Hindus, Mohamed, Jesus and Mo and their friend, the cosmic bar maid, Sai Babai, Shiva, Taoists,
Zoroastrians, drinking my god damned coffee in Hell;
growling, gnarly, happy, hard as ice, Hawaian blessed, high as a kite, hippie, hip, hipster, hip hoppy, hot as hell yet strangely sweet as heaven, jazzy, jealous, Kerouac approved, kick ass, kick my god damn ass to Tuesday, kick down the doors and take no prisoners, grown in the Vietnam highlands by exVietcong, Guatemalan grown, kiss ass, illegal in every state, imported from all over the god damn world,
insane, lovely, loony, lonely, lonesome, malodorous mean old rotten, motherfucking, nasty, narcotic, never whatever, never meh, never cold, not approved by the CIA, not approved by DHS, not approved for human consumption by the FDA, not your daddy’s sissified corporate cup of coffee, NOT DECAFE coffee, not your Denny’s truck driver weak as brown water cup of fake coffee, not your establishment friendly cup of coffee, Not your FBI coffee, Not FAKE Herbal coffee substitute, but a real cup of coffee, not your farmer brothers dinner crap, not made in America for Americans, not safe for work, not your Starbucks average expensive overpriced crappy corporate chain cup of coffee, Not pretentious, Not White House approved, not State Department safe, nuclear, Not Patriotic, operatic, Peets’s coffee approved,
paranoid, pornographic, psychotic, pontific, politically aware, rapping, rhyming, right here, right now in River city, rock and roll up the Yazoo, sad, sadistic, sarcastic, sassy, satanic, schizoid, shitting, silly, sexy, smarmy, smelly, smooth, snarky, snarling, stupid, stinking, sweet as honey, sweat inducing, symphonic, Trump can’t handle this coffee, vengeful, Wagnerian, wicked, with nutmeg and cinnamon swirls, with a hint of stevia, with a hint of vanilla, with a hint of rum, with a hint of whisky, with a hint of cherry, with a hint of fruit overtones, with a hint of drugs spicing up the coffee, spendific, speeding, splendid, superior accept no substitutes, survived the Vietnam war, the Iraq war, the Afghan war, the first and Second Korean war, World War 11, the war on poverty, the war on drugs, the war on black people, the sexual revolution,
Soulful as a summer’s night in MOTOWN- James Brown approved, TOP approved, Berkeley approved, the coffee that Jimmy Hendrix drank before he died, the coffee that Elvis drank on his last breakfast, the coffee that Barry White crooned as he drank his cup of coffee – and the coffee that made the white boy play stand up and play that funky music, the coffee that made Jonny B Goode play his guitar, and made Jonny bet the devil his soul after he drank his morning cup of righteous coffee and the coffee that make the Rolling Stones Rock and Roll, the coffee your mother warned you against drinking, the coffee that Napoleon drank when he became the Emperor of all Europe, the Coffee that Beethoven drank when he wrote the Ninth symphony, the coffee that Mozart drank as he wrote his last symphony, the coffee that Lincoln drank before he was killed, the Hemingway drank before he killed himself, the coffee that started the 60’s, and ended the 20th century,
the coffee that Lenin drank as he plotted revolution, the coffee that Hitler and Stalin drank with FDR as they divided up the world after World War 11, the cup that JFK drank before he was blown away, the coffee Jerry drinks while driving in cars with random celebrities and political figures, the coffee that Jon Stewart drinks before he goes on an epic take down of some foolish politico, the cup of Arabic coffee that Sadaam drank the day he was executed, the coffee that GW and Cheney drank when they bombed Baghdad, the Indian cup of coffee that Bid Laden drank before 9-11 and just before the seals blew his ass to hell, the cup of coffee that Tiger Woods drank with his mistresses while playing a 3, 000 dollar round of golf at Sandy Lane golf course in Barbados, the last legal drug that does what drugs should do, the cup of coffee that Obama drank when he became President, Vietnamese, Vienna brew, wacky, whimsical,
Whisky Tango Foxtrot, wild, weird, wonderful, WOW, Yabba dabba doo! Yada Yada yada Zappa’s favorite cup of cosmic coffee, and Zorro’s last cup of coffee, Good to the last drop rolled into one simple cup of hot coffee
As I pound down that first cup of coffee
And fire up my synaptic nerve endings with endless supplies
Of caffeine induced neuron enhancing chemicals
I face the dawning day with trepidation and mind-numbing fear
I turn on the TV and watch the smarmy newscasters in their perfect hair
Lying through their perfect blazing white teeth
about the great success the government is having
Following the great leader's latest pronouncements
I want to scream
and shoot the TV
and run out side
Stop the world!
I want to get
off this fucking crazy planet"
The earth does not care a whit
about my attitude problem
It merely shrugs
and moves around the Sun
In its appointed daily run
the universe whispers
in my ear
time to drink more coffee
for an attitude adjustment
And I sit down
The madness dissipating a bit
And enjoy my second cup
Of heaven and hell
In my morning cup of Joe
Coffee Revolutions
coffee cup
Coffee led to the American Revolution<span
As patriots drank coffee
To rebel against
the aristocratic English tea
Coffee started the London Stock Market
And started the gossip mills running
Every great invention
Was fed by coffee's sweet brew
sweet allure
All the great thinkers
All the great leaders
All were enslaved
to coffee's magic
I sing my praises
Of the great
glorious coffee lady
Long may she continue
To be my sweet companion
Long may coffee continue
To rule my heart
And set my heart
on fire
Ode to Coffee
Mistress of sacred love
Sacred lady of desire
You start my day
Setting my heart on fire
With your dark delicious brew
And throughout the day
Whenever the mean old blues come by
You chase them away
With your bittersweet ambrosial brew
Every time I inhale your witch's brew
I am filled with power, light and love
And everything is al right Jack
If only for a few fleeting minutes
I love you oh coffee goddess
In all your magical forms
In the dark coffee of the dawning day
In the sizzling coffee in the mid morning break
In the afternoon siesta break
And in the post dinner desert drink
I love you my coffee mistress
You are my refuge
From this horrid world
And you are my secret lover
Never disappoint me, ever
I've never had a bad cup
Of that I can be sure
Even the dismal coffee
Served at Denny's at 3 am
Is still sweet loving coffee
Even the farmer brother's diner coffee
Excites me and gets me going
Asking for another cup of divine delight
Coffee always is there
It is always on and piping hot
With hidden dark secrets
Swirling in its liquid essence
Coffee is my last vice
My only legal vice left
Coffee does not cheat on me
It is always faithful, always true
It does not turn on its friends
And all it asks in return
Is that you come back
Cup after cup after cup
A good cup of coffee
Is a little bit of heaven
In a cup of dark liquid hell
Coffee is like a drug
But a good drug that does what is should
And never complains
It does not get grouchy
It does not hurt you
It does not make you crazy
But allows the muse to come out
And play with it
Coffee led to the American Revolution
As patriots drank coffee
To rebel against the aristocratic English tea
Coffee started the London Stock market
And started the gossips mills running
Every great invention
Was fed by coffee's sweet brew
sweet allure
All the great thinkers
All the great leaders
All were enslaved to coffee's magic
I sing my praises
Of the great glorious coffee lady
Long may she continue
To be my sweat companion
Long may coffee continue
To rule my heart
And set my heart on fire
I love thee
Mistress coffee
And sometimes I think
You love me too
No More Coffee Blues
I love coffee
Always have
And coffee has loved me back
But lately I have soured on her
Soured on the whole coffee scene
On the harshness
of the morning brew
And the promises it makes
As I sip of its nectar
Drawn into its lair
Drinking drop by drop
As the caffeine takes over
Rewriting my every nerve
Turning me into a slave
For its perverted pleasure
Yes I love coffee
But I am afraid
Coffee is a harsh mistress
Demanding so much of me
Promising the sun
And delivering the moon
As I drink her swill
Deepening under her influence
I have the coffee blues
Can’t live without her
Can’t live with her
I try
But tea does not cut it
Not really
Booze does not do it
At least not in the morning
Yoga is not enough of a buzz
Nor is the runner’s high
And I am afraid deadly afraid of cocaine
And speed and drugs and energy drinks
And so I remain a slave to coffee
My only legal drug
As I sip another
and fall under
her seductive spread
Once more failing my resolve
To skip coffee for that day
That morning that moment
I shall never be free of her spell
Ever and she knows it
As she beckons me
Every morning with her intoxicating smell
And I come to her
and drink her brew
And become her slave
again and again
Coffee Ya Du
must drink coffee
have every day
the morning dawns
drinking my coffee as I yawn
Morning cup of coffee
every morning
I drink my coffee
as I contemplate
the dawning day
watching the news anchors
blather on and on
drinking my coffee
thinking of life
and my coffee
consumes me
overwhelms me
and at time controls me
after all coffee is a drug
and I am her slave
from time to time
Drinking Coffee in the Morning
in the morning
dangerous mood
felling deranged
watching the news
trigger warning
you are screwed dude
end of the world
the end times come
I drink coffee
in the morning
Coffee Pot Killed
His wife has banned my use
by my owner
says he makes too much
of a mess when he uses me
it is not his fault
I want to say
but being a coffee pot
can not speak
and so I am abandoned
thrown out into the trash
and feel very sad
for my owner
who was my friend
he liked me
he keep me going
and I did my job
providing him
with fresh coffee
doing my coffee pot duty
and now it is over
Drinking My Coffee
drinking coffee
drinking my coffee
early in the cool morning
thinking life is fine
everything will be okay
after I drink my coffee
morning coffee
morning coffee
dawning sun
coffee MGur Poem
I pray to the coffee gods
every cup of coffee
is like a sacrament to me
I pray as I drink my coffee
that it will fill me
with wisdom
and find peace
with my coffee
as I drink
my devotion
Hot coffee
cup of coffee
take coffee with you
Hot hot coffee, makes my day -
Must drink My daily coffee, as the morning dawns -
With out my morning coffee
in me, I feel nothing at all -
Electrified Hot Coffee
coffee is the drug of choice
nothing else will do it
as I drink coffee
Hot Coffee
Hot Coffee and Cake
coffee is the drug of choice
electrified circuits
as I drink coffee
coffee and cake
Coffee Patina
hot coffee
hot Hellish Heaven
Essence of coffee
Hot Coffee CHeu Chu poem
drinking my coffee hot as hell
a taste of heaven and hell
in my damn cup
of coffee essence of hell
As I drink my coffee
I see a pup
outside my window
with eyes from hell
I look at the this pup
and wonder why
he has eyes from Hell
as I drink my coffee
Coffee Love Thoughts
I love to drink my coffee
early in the morning
while writing my journals
and thinking about my dreams
and my life
and while drinking my coffee
I covertly look over
at my sleeping beauty
as the sun comes up
I am filled with love
and contentment
thinking back
to the dream
that set me free
drinking my coffee
thinking of my love
for my wife
and thinking
always thinking
of the dream
that set me free
so many years ago
I first had the dream
and ever since then
it has haunted me
as I drink my coffee
and prepare to met my day
I wake up the love of my life
and smile at her
and finish my coffee
Morning Coffee
cup of coffee
I like to start
my day
with a hot as hell
snarling cup of righteous coffee
hot, steamy hot as hell
sweet as heaven
bitter as the devil
with a sweet taste of cinnamon
and other heavenly spices
crazy nutmeg
silver tasting cloves
decadent tasting sugar
and rich whipped cream
to top if all off
and once
in a while
it demands
the taste
of a wee bit
of whiskey
just to take the edge off
of the wild night
to come
Morning Coffee
free coffee
Give Me More
must have my coffee
Morning coffee
hot as hell
Sweet as heaven
Coffee Terzanalle
coffee drink of gods
coffee drink of gods
coffee No drink for dogs
I drink my hot coffee
deep in cosmic thought
I drink my hot coffee
coffee damn hot as hell
hot as hell itself
hot as hell itself
sweet as heaven itself
with bitter after taste
sweet heaven itself
invented by satan in hell
to keep Satan Cool
Invented by satan in hell
coffee made in heaven
a drink for the gods
coffee made in heaven
a drink for the gods
Coffee Aquarian
coffee cup
drink of the gods
cup of heaven and hell
coffee Haiku
hot as hell
as sweet as heaven
Japanese Coffee Barista
boss coffee
watching the Japanese
preparing my snarling cup
of hot boss coffee
fills my heart
with erotic joy
how I wanted to express
what was on my mind
right then
to the Japanese
coffee barista
watching the news while drinking coffee
fry drinking too much coffee
drinking my morning coffee
watching the news
the endless lying
wondering when will it all end
will truth prevail
will justice triumph
will superman come
or are we doomed
heading to hell
down the proverbial
road filled with good
great intentions
Coffee Tanka
Hot as hell, heavenly sweat
My daily hot coffee fix
Sends Me to Heaven
Then Crashes into Hell
Coffee Haiku
I like my coffee
Like my women hot as hell
But sweat as heaven
God in My Coffee
god in my coffee
One dismal demented morning
As I contemplated the dawning day
Trying to wake up
from the nightmares
That have been haunting my every night
I reached for my morning cup of hot coffee
And as I drank my morning poison
My snarling sarcastic cup of java
Frying my neurons with caffeine
I saw God He had the look –
tall white hair beard
And those piercing blue eyes
Starting at you
with the thousand year stare
Of the truly committed
Yes it was God
In the bottom
of my cup of coffee
And he was smiling at me
Beckoning me to join him
And so I jumped
into my cup
And went through the door
And found myself
In a giant hallway
Filled with Mr. Smith like
angels working on computers
Programing the day’s plans
I asked where I could find God
They told me that I had an appointment
And I went down the hallway
And found myself in another room
And found God sitting there
Waiting for me
He offered me coffee
And we drank coffee
And talked
about this and that
I asked him what he wanted
He said nothing
but my understanding
And patience
And told me
that I was lost
But would be found soon
And told me to go back home
And wait for his signal
For the revolution was coming
And I would lead God’s forces
And then I found myself
Back at home
And drank another cup of coffee
Revolution in my Cup of Coffee
Sitting, Dreaming, contemplating life
Over a cup of steaming hot coffee
Hot Java dreams
In a pensive, caffeine induced mood
I saw the beginning of the end times
The end of the beginnings of time
At the bottom of my coffee cup
I saw the dismal depressing deadly sight
Of the whole universe
Rising in righteous revolution
Fighting the evil denizens of the world
They exploded
Marching out of my coffee cup
Down the street
Fighting fierce fights
They scream demented dreams
Dreams of absolute freedom
They rush and run, rant and rave
Running from the atomic clouds of vengeance
And I sit watching
The world disintegrates in my coffee cup
And I wonder what does it mean?
As I pour myself more coffee
God Drinks Coffee
When I woke up yesterday
I saw a naked old man
Sitting in my chair
Drinking my coffee
Smoking my pipe
I shouted at him
Who in hell are you
He replied
Never in hell am I
God replied
Your coffee is good
But not cosmic enough
Then we stood in the jungle
Watching dinosaurs
Making love
God said
They died you know
When they tried to become like us
Coffee Haiku
I like my coffee
Like how I like my women
Hot like the Devil
Coffee thoughts
coffee time
I enjoy my morning coffee
listening to jazz
while watching
the early morning sunlight
Dancing off the waves
of the eastern sea
Coffee how I love thee
I love my coffee
everyday I drink it
delicious brew
Falling under its influence
As it wakes me up
Everything seems well
As I drink
my coffee
As my thoughts
comes bubbling up
dreaming of another
Cup of coffee
Coffee Transports me to another world
coffee cup
As I drink my morning
Cup of coffee
I am transported
to another world<
far far away
dreaming dark dreams
Of what might have
I am lost
in my cup of coffee
heaven in my cup of coffee
Coffee Desires
Coffee Breakfast With Grain And Jute Sack
I like my coffee
Like I like my women
Dark and Hot as hell
Yet delightfully
heavenly sweet
As heaven itself
My daily hot coffee fix
Sends Me to Heaven
then Crashes into Hell
Coffee is my last legal vice
It is a drug
That does what a drug should do
Gets me going
Flying me high
Coffee Desires 2
A nerd with a cup of coffee hugged closely to his chest. He's clearly had too much caffeine, and needs to stop drinking coffee.
I like my coffee
Like I like
my women
Dark and Hot as hell
Yet delightfully heavenly sweet
As heaven itself
My daily hot coffee fix
Sends Me to Heaven
then Crashes into Hell
Coffee is my last legal vice
It is a drug
That does what a drug should do
Gets me going
Flying me high
Into the sky
And coffee
Makes the world go round
As we fall under its spell
And become its slave
Needing our daily fix
Ode to Coffee
Mistress of sacred love
Sacred Lady of desireYou start my day
Setting my heart on fire
With your dark delicious brew
And throughout the day
Whenever the mean old blues come by
You chase them away
With your bittersweet ambrosia brew
Every time I inhale your wicked brew
I am filled with power, light, and love
And everything is all right Jack
It is all good
If only for a few fleeting minutes
I love you oh coffee goddess
In all your magical forms
In the dark coffee of the dawning day
In the sizzling coffee
in the mid-morning break
In the afternoon siesta break
And in the post-dinner dessert drink
I love you my coffee mistress
You are my refuge
From this horrid world
I sing my praises
Of the great glorious coffee lady
Long may she continue
To be my sweet companion
Long may coffee continue
To rule my heart
And set my heart on fire
I love thee
Mistress coffee
And sometimes I think
You love me too
•Coffee My Secret Lover long version
Coffee is my secret lover
Coffee you are my secret lover
Never disappoint me, ever
I've never had a bad cup
Of that, I can be sure
Even the dismal coffee
Served at Denny's at 3 am
Is still sweat loving coffee
Even the farmer brother's diner coffee
Excites me and gets me going
Asking for another cup
of divine delight
Coffee always is there
It is always on and piping hot
With hidden dark secrets
Swirling in its liquid essence
Coffee is my last vice
My only legal vice left
Coffee does not cheat on me
It is always faithful, always true
It does not turn on its friends
And all it asks in return
Is that you come back
Cup after cup after cup
A good cup of coffee
Is a little bit of heaven
In a cup of dark liquid hell
Coffee is like a drug
But a good drug
that does what is should
And never complains
It does not get grouchy
It does not hurt you
It does not make you crazy
But allows the muse to come out
And play with it
Coffee the Drink of Revolutionaries
Coffee led to the American Revolution
As patriots drank coffee
To rebel against the aristocratic English tea
Coffee started the London Stock market
And started the gossips mills running
Every great invention
Was fed by coffee's sweat brew sweet allure
All the great thinkers
All the great leaders
All were enslaved to coffee's magic
Snarling, sassy, snarky, smarmy, sarcastic cup of coffee short version
I like to start my day with a hot cup of coffee
Yeah, but not just a simple cup of java Joe
But a snarling, sassy, snarky, smarmy, silly, stupid, sadistic, sad, sarcastic, satanic, psychotic, paranoid, WOW good to the last god damn drop - rolled into one simple cup of hot coffee
Ode to Coffee Short Version
Mistress of sacred love
Sacred lady of desire
You start my day
Setting my heart on fire
With your dark delicious brew
And throughout the day
Whenever the mean old blues come by
You chase them away
With your bitter sweet ambrosia brew
Every time I inhale your wicked brew
I am filled with power, light and love
And everything is all right Jack
It is all good
If only for a few fleeting minutes
Coffee My Secret Lover Short Version
Coffee is my secret lover
Coffee you are my secret lover
Never disappoint me, ever
I've never had a bad cup
Of that I can be sure
Even the dismal coffee
Served at Denny's at 3 am
Is still sweat loving coffee
Even the farmer brother's diner coffee
Excites me and gets me going
Coffee the Drink of Revolutionaries - Short Version
Coffee led to the American Revolution
As patriots drank coffee
To rebel against the aristocratic English tea
Coffee started the London Stock market
And started the gossips mills running
Every great invention
Was fed by coffee's sweat brew sweet allure
All the great thinkers
All the great leaders
All were enslaved to coffee's magic
No More Coffee Blues
too much coffee
I love coffee
Always have
And coffee has loved me back
But lately I have sourced on her
Soured on the whole coffee scene
On the harshness of the morning brew
And the promises it makes
As I sip of its nectar
Drawn into its lair
Drinking drop by drop
As the caffeine takes over
Rewriting my every nerve
Turning me into a slave
For its perverted pleasure
Yes I love coffee
But I am afraid
Coffee is a harsh mistress
Demanding so much of me
Promising the sun
And delivering the Moon
As I drink her swill
Deepening under her influence
I have the coffee blues
Can’t live with out her
Can’t live with her
Need More Coffee
need more coffee
More coffee
must have more
it consumes me
just need one more
Coffee Lady
Every morning
I have gone out for Vietnamese coffee
At a sidewalk café
Down the ally from our AIRBNB
The owner is a pleasant middle age woman
Who for some reason likes us
She smiles at us
Greets us in Vietnamese
She does not understand English
Or Korean
And I wonder why
Why was there this connection
Between us
It dawned on me
Perhaps in a prior life
She knew an American or two
And I remind her of someone
Or perhaps she is found
Of Korean K drama
And Angela reminds her
Of her favorite K Drama star
Or perhaps it is both
Or another reason entirely
But I moved today
And will miss her
Might go back for a final cup
Of coffee
To say good bye
To my Vietnamese coffee lady
Ode to Vietnamese Coffee
Vietnam has the best coffee
In the damn world
Just perfect
Hot as hell
Sweet as heaven
With a kick my ass attitude
To boot
Can’t resist it
Even thought it means
I can’t sleep
Rude Thoughts
one cup per day
Rudiments of remembrances
Of former lives flow through
Into and beyond the house of my Lord
Into the beginnings of my life
Love reigns supreme
As I construct anagrams
To prove my soul's playing a fife
Oh shoos pas shoos Fa tanehe
Shoos qous shoos
Can a Fa Te NE hour go
And I sit
Under the dying moon shine
Drinking hot, snarling coffee
Smoking on a pipe
Full of wicked weed
Thinking of love's labor lost
Dreaming of what was will be
Getting off on dental floss
While drinking emetic booze
And laughing
My margarine calls itself butter
And my coffee don't like my Mother
Working Blues
One fine morning
It was
I woke up
The world stopped
I went outside
Everything had stopped
I screamed
No one could hear me
I cried out
No one care
I went inside
Drank coffee
And went to work
Yesterday Morning
drink coffee
Yesterday morning I awoke
Like most mornings
I was still dead
I walked
Out of my drug infested slum
Into my computerized car
Down the freeways of my mind
Searching for the pot of golden dreams
I stooped in at a restaurant
Drank copious amounts of free coffee
And saw all the people
One by one disappearing into the crowds
All I knew was wrong
Or worst yet a figment of your imagination
Every person changed
Transformed into an interchangeable computer's robot
All the same
All the same
All living in instant suburbia
Moving their meaningless life
All the same all the same
Not me screamed
my coffee as I sat
Yet another victim
Of our creeping insanity
This Morning
I woke up this morning
Stared out of my window
Saw my dreams marching by
Watching me
I stared out at my reflections
Completed corruption
The tunnels of my consciences
Emerges the dreams fade away
Into the nothingness of my coffee cup.
The rainbow of heaven
Your mellifluous voice e
Arose in my heart
Feelings of love, compassion and strength
Your wonderful sense of grace
In a world full of hate
Your sense of compassion
In the mist of your own personnel despair
Shines on like a beacon
In the darkness of the oceans of my despair
I see a mystic mermaid
Swimming through the cold waters of hell
Striving towards the light of heaven
The mountains of despair
Overwhelms me at times
It seems that we look up
And all that we can see
the sounds of doom
The voice of evil soothsayers
Came over the loudspeakers
Ranting raving crying
Saying holds your head up
Scream out your soul
Laugh live, don't fear to love
For in the end
The evil soothsayers of doom
Will fade away in to the fog of our past
Standing alone in a field
Of flowers you will become
One with the rainbow of heaven
Thoughts While Shaving
Early in the god damned morning
I open my weary eyes
And stagger down the hallway
To face the dawning day
With a shave
I wish
I was surfing
the golden waves
Of cyberspace
I arise painfully
Out of bed
Wishing for sucres of pain
Sometimes I fain
That I would not get
Such morning pains
Then I grab for my juice
Bloody red
And my coffee
Snarls back
Black as hell
And hot as the sun
Like good coffee should be
Ready to kick
Some sense into my weary head
I go outside
Sit under a turnip tree
Wishing that I could be free
To run naked and wild
In the forrest fountain
Screwing the god damned universe
Enjoying bloody lust
My conscious raises a fuss
I sit and cite verse
And set fire
to my soul's lamentations
And slowly conclude
It is time to finish shaving
And my dreams fly out the window
And with them my sense of freedom
I put my clothes on
and become a robot
drinking coffee
For one more day
Is there any other way?
Coffee Love Hate Affair
I love coffee
Always have
Always will
But I have a love hate affair
With coffee
Love it when it gets me up
Flying high in the sky
As the sun comes over
Filling with hope
And anticipation
As I conquer the day’s
Daunting tasks
With a little help
From my drug of choice
But coffee turns on me
Late in the day
And I can’t not sleep
As the coffee burns
In my soul
And I toss and turn
And sleep no more
Coffee does that to me
And so, I am reduced
To drinking decafe coffee
Not the same thing at all
But that is all I can handle
As I am a coffee addict
And always will be
Coffee Blues
Coffee is my drug of choice
Always has been
Ever since I first tried
As a young lad
Loved coffee’s power
To speed up my synaptic nerves
Turning me on
Keeping me going
and going and going
But there is a dark side
And it will take you
Where it wants to go
Enslaving you
Making you its victim
As it toys with you
Messes with you
Prevents you from sleeping
Coffee is a harsh mistress
It demands respect
As you fall under it seductive powers
Slave again
To the drug of choice
Just another over caffeinated
Coffee addict
Stumbling along the street
Looking for a fix
At six in the morning
As the coffee wears off
And you finally
Can get some sleep
Until the alarm
Blasts you away
And you reach out
Trembling for your fix
Coffee you scream out
I need coffee
The universe laughs
As you get your coffee high
Just another pathetic coffee junkie
When all is said and done
Tabang Memories
tabang culture
in the old days
in Korea
there were Ta Bangs
on every corning
the Ta Bangs
were coffee and tea shops
filled with pretty young things
who served you instant coffee
or Ginseng tea
or Korean Green tea
and flirted with
their mostly male customers
and exchanged the latest
gossip in the afternoon
when the ajimas came
the lowly TaBang
to be replaced
by coffee shops
the coffee is much better
and so is the food choices
but I miss
flirting with the Tabang ladies
who helped me learn Korean
back in the day
there are a few
old school TaBangs
here and there
in forgotten poorer neighborhoods
and rural towns
but by and large
and the Tabangs
have faded into history
Impure Thoughts in the Coffee Line
A nerd with a cup of coffee hugged closely to his chest. He's clearly had too much caffeine, and needs to stop drinking coffee.
Often times
when I am in line
at a coffee shop
I notice the pretty young baristas
and engage in impure thoughts
as they take my order
I wonder if they know
what is on my mind
as I smile at them
and take my coffee
drinking it hot
filled with erotic desire
for the coffee barista lady
behind the counter
Coffee Acrostic Poem
Coffee is calling me
One cup after another
Filling my heart with love
Filling my head with desire
Every moment I drink my coffee
Every moment I think of you
Coffee Jones
I am a coffee addict
a slave to my daily fix
I have the coffee Jones
and it won’t go away
I try to drink decaf
or herbal coffee
but sooner or later
the coffee jones
comes back
Demanding the real deal
as I fall under
the coffee spell
once again
a slave
to my dark mistress
of coffee
as the coffee jones
takes over
and I drink
cup after cup
I recall all the cups
I have had
over the years
from my first cup
at age 17
to my last cup
at age 64
this afternoon
and realize
the coffee jones
will not leave me
until the day
I die
and can drink no more
Mecca of Coffee Lovers
Peets coffee shop
in Berkeley
the original coffee shop
one of the the coffee shops
that launched
the coffee revolution
is the mecca
for coffee lovers
in the United States
for many years
when it was strictly
a Bay Area phenomenon
expat Bay Area residents
out of the area
would fly back
and stock up
on Peet’s coffee
Once I took back
25 pounds of Peet’s
to Mumbai India
introduced it to my friends
and colleagues
My last job
in the State Department
I had my ritual down
I would go out
after lunch
to Peet’s
across from the WH
and buy a decaf Americano
loaded up with cream
nutmeg, cinnamon
chocolate and hazel nut
usually took it back
but sometimes
I lingered at Peet’s
in the Berkeley feeling
thinking back
to all the great
cups of coffee
I have had
at Peet’s in Berkeley
the original
and the Solano Avenue
Peets coffee shop
Now if only
Peet’s opened
in Korea
that would be something
to look forward to
Perfect Cup of Coffee
My best friend Robert
and I have long had
a philosophical disagreement
over what constitutes
a perfect
cup of java joe
we both agree
that there is nothing finer
in life
than enjoying a cup
of coffee
from Peets Coffee shop
the original Peets
On Virginia and Walnut
in Berkeley, California
in the middle
of the gourmet Ghetto
and we both consider
Peets to be the mecca
of coffee shops
the center of the universe
if truth be told
but Robert and I disagree
over the perfect cup of Java Joe
Robert is a traditionalist
old school in all things
that matter
like coffee consumption
He drinks his coffee
straight black as hell
just the way God intended
coffee to be drunk
I like my coffee
spiced up the yazoo
white chocolate mocha
with nutmeg
hazelnut syrup
and whipped cream
to top it off
and I do like my coffee
with kahhula, Irish cream liquor
rum or a wee bit of whisky
although I prefer it full caffeinated
nowadays I drink it decaf
after 10 am
otherwise I am up all night
singing the coffee blues
so Robert and I long ago
decided we could tolerate
each other’s taste in coffee
as we both agreed
that it has to be from Peets
if you are to drink it with me
Peets Coffee
Coffee Breakfast With Grain And Jute Sack
Peets coffee shop
Everywhere you go
Even in Boise Idaho
Tall Hot coffee
Simply the best there is
Coffee shop mecca
Only original in Berkeley
Full bodied flavor
Full of cosmic goodness
Every cup satisfies
Every cup a cup of Heaven
Starbucks Coffee
Seattle born and raised
Took off all over the world
Almost every corner
Rare to find a Starbucks free city
But the original
U District coffee shop
Coffee shop nirvana
Kicking my butt with a caffeine rush
Subtly quietly politely Seattle style
Coffee shop nirvana
Only original in Seattle
Full bodied flavor
Full of cosmic goodness
Every cup satisfies
Every cup a cup of Heaven
Last Man in Berkeley Drinking Coffee at Peet’s
the last man
in Berkeley left alive
settled down
in the original Peets
the mecca of coffee lovers
the end had come
within weeks
everyone was dead
from the super bio plague
that had escaped
from a secret lab
somewhere in Russia
the last man in Berkeley
decided to camp out
in Peet’s
he would have plenty
of coffee
and food to eat
and there was even
a shower
in the employee’s restroom
and power
and wi fi
for now
he wandered
about town
looking for survivors
got a ham radio
and broadcast
this is Jake
the last man
in Berkeley
broadcasting to you
from Peet’s coffee
if you are out there
please join me
it is getting lonely
in here
with all this great coffee
and no one to enjoy it with
a week later
a woman showed up
then a man
and within a week
there were 25 survivors
they decided
to take over the Walnut Square
apartment complex
each person or couple
would have an apartment
but everyone would eat
at the Thai restaurant
everyone would take turns
being the barista for the day
and Peets re-opened for business
within a year
there were about
100 survivors
living at the Walnut Square
and Peets
was the center
of their universe
just as God had intended
when he inspired
Mr. Peet to open
his coffee shop
Non-Establishment Coffee
Berkeley is the mecca
for coffee lovers
the best coffee shops
in the US
are located in Berkeley
Berkeley residents
probably drink more coffee
than anyone else
in the U.S.
there is a great coffee shop
almost every commercial street
most independent
but Starbucks
and Peets are everywhere
Starbucks owner
started out at Peet's
had a creative disagreement
with Mr. Peet
and left for Seattle
there is a coffee shop
that I think is still there
that had a sign
dating back to 1955
We do Not Serve Establishment Coffee
it was the first coffee shop
in Berkeley
to serve Italian stye expresso
and was a favorite haunt
of the beatniks
who hung out there
drinking endless cups
of non-establishment coffee
while writing up a storm
Peets opened in 1962
and soon became
the biggest chain
in the Berkeley area
remained a local favorite
until the early 2000’s
when it followed its cousin
Starbucks nationwide
First to SF
then LA
then to college towns
then nation wide
to this day
the mother ship
of all coffee shops
the mecca
for serious coffee drinkers
remains the Original Poets
on the corner of Virginia and Walnut
serious coffee addicts
in the Bay Area
will not drink Starbucks Coffee
too Establishment coffee now
and only drink at Peet's
or an independent coffee shop
of which there are hundreds
it seems
in any event
next time I am in town
you can be sure
to see me
at ground zero
the coffee shop
that launched
the coffee revolution
the Original Peets
still the mecca
of coffee lovers
in the U.S
Korean Coffee Shops
in the late 80’s
Coffee shops first began
appearing in Korea
supplanting the old TaBangs
that use to be
on every corner
the tabang ladies
were friendly
flirting up a storm
with their mainly
male customers
and they delivered
coffee and tea
to offices across the land
about 10 am
the tábangs were replaced
by coffee shops
the coffee was much better
the choice of food
much better
there are so many chains now
Coffee Bean
A Twosome Place
Angels in US
and independent coffee shops
My favorite is coffee bean
because they have decaf coffee
most larger chains do now
a few years ago
it was impossible to find
and since I should not drink
caffeinated coffee
the choices were limited
back then
most coffee shops also something new
to Korea
they all have chamomile
and peppermint
green tea
and black tea
and some have rosemary
and other teas
but the waitresses
no longer flirt
with their customers
who are about half female
half male these a days
I miss the tábangs
the tabang ladies
were always willing
to teach me Korean
a cheap real world
language lesson
for the price
of cup of coffee
there are still a few
Tabangs here and there
in poorer neglected neighborhoods
and rural country towns
but by and large
Tabangs have faded
into history
I pity the poor smoker, particularly in the cold of winter
as they huddle out side in the cold depths of a Korean winter
wonder what they think these sad poor tobacco addicts
was it worth it to them to be
hooked on cigarettes
when all is said and done nothing tobacco addicts
I also pity those poor souls addicted to other things coffee
that is my soul addiction these days, I am addicted to coffee
must start my day with a hot cup of java joe just hot coffee
nothing else will do it for me in the depth of winter
But I miss tobacco especially when I drink hot coffee
Coffee Lai
glorious coffee
must have my coffee
to kickstart my day
hot butter coffee
loaded sweet coffee
Just to start my day
nothing but coffee
just glorious coffee
No better way start day
Coffee Soledad
hot coffee the drink of the gods
invented by Satan in hell
loved by all the angels and gods
Sam the Space Alien Coffee Merchant”
One spring day in May a UFO lands on the White House Lawn. The military is called and they surround the saucer.
The door opens and a man who looks like the comedian Jon Stewart walks out the door. The military opens fire but the bullets bounce off a force field of some sort which does not harm the alien. He waves and the guns become too hot to touch. He walks out and speaks,
“People of earth. I came 10 million miles in search of the one thing you guys do right – coffee. No one else in the Universe makes it. So, get me a goddamn cup of “Starbucks” ™ Colombian supreme, a medium with milk, and then take me to your leader. We have business to talk.”
With that, he turns to the White House. He is escorted into to see the President. After drinking his coffee, he turns to the President and says the following,
“Mr. President. I represent the Galactic Empire Beverage Company. I am here because a fleet of star ships is on its way to put a blockade and quarantine around your planet. After observing your planet for centuries, we have concluded that you are the most insane creatures in the Universe. And you are dangerous what with your nukes, your bioweapon, your religious hatreds, your violent street crime and you mind-numbing sit coms, your drugs, your guns, your porn (best in the universe though), and your scientific ignorance you proclaim to be the truth.
But, I think if I can convince the Galactic Empire that you have something of value, we might avoid the boycott and open trading relations. So, here’s the deal–I want to buy your coffee, and export it around the universe. In return, my folks will teach you the technology to travel interstellar space. But I need a ten-year exclusive contract on coffee exports and I will want to buy half your coffee crop each year at market rates.
Do we have a deal?”
The president makes a motion and Mr. Smith, the alien coffee merchant, is disappeared into a prison somewhere. He is tortured to no avail, refuses to talk, and eventually can watch TV, and read the daily papers and drink as much coffee as he wants. The media is filled with rumors of where he was taken and whether he was alive. The official story was always that this was a Hollywood movie stunt for the movie, “Mars Attacks Two” which came out the following year and had a scene of a flying saucer landing on the white house and an alien asking for a cup of coffee. Of course, no one believed the official story and conspiracy theories ran amuck. The one thing they all had right was that he was alive and in prison underneath area 51 in the Nevada desert.
Five years’ pass. The Galactic Fleet never arrived as Mr. Smith was buffing. The Galactic Empire knew of earth and had indeed put a blockade on the Earth, but since earth people were not galactic sailors they did not know that they could not venture beyond Jupiter without being shot down.
Mr. Smith still wanted his coffee concession and decided to go public. One morning he walked out of his cell and told his warden he was leaving. The warden said
“You can’t leave us. You have no ID, no wallet, no money, and no vehicle and more importantly, you do not have permission to leave these premises. And we’ll miss your company, Mr. Smith. We’ve grown fond of you over these years.’
“But, I have to leave. I must finish my coffee deal. I’ve finally done all the research on your people I can stand. You are indeed insane. The crazy things you believe. The absolute nonsense of all your religious traditions, and the total dysfunction of your economics and politics. It is a miracle you have not killed your entire planet. and now you have a certified lunatic as President. But he is a man of business so perhaps we can cut a deal.”
“But how will you go? Here, take some cash with you, we can give you 1000 in cash, and get you on a Greyhound.”
“Mr. Jones, I’ll take the money, but I have my transportation waiting outside. Thanks so much for the company and answering all my questions about your fascinating but insane society. I think I finally understand why you guys invented coffee in the first place and beer as well. You need it otherwise you would all kill each other.”
The flying saucer had been summoned from area 51 where the U.S. and other scientist had been trying for five years to open the door. They did not have the biometric password so the door remained shut and the force field withstood everything they gave it.
Mr. Smith walked outside and entered the ship and flew to NYC where he landed on top of the CNN towers and walked down to the newsroom, demanding to be interviewed right then and there.
They brought their top interviewer, Larry Jones and they started a live interview.
Larry started out,
“So, Mr. Smith, where are you from and where have you been hidden the last five years?”
“Your U.S. government kidnapped me and held me in Area 51 for the last five years along with my ship. They failed to open the ship because they did not have the password and they failed to get me to reveal anything despite their primitive torture methods. But they do have remains from another alien visitor who landed in Roswell 60 years ago. He was a friend of a friend and told me about the coffee on this planet. He was after though a beer contract as you guys do decent beer as well as coffee.
But, look, I gave them an offer in the White House – I would give you the secrets of space travel in exchange for 50% of your coffee crop for 10 years. That offer is still good, but I am not dealing with the Government anymore. I am opening the offer up to the Private sector. Here’s the basic deal:
I require 50% of your world’s coffee crop and your expertise in opening coffee shops throughout the universe. You supply the coffee, the workers and the coffee shop experience. I supply the shops and arrange transportation.
after that I would also like to sell Beer, Whiskey, Rum, Drama programs and movies and Porn to customers throughout the galaxy. Visitors to earth have all reported that the coffee is out of this world (only grown on earth) the beer is to die for, the whiskey and rum fantastic and the wines great as well. And the porn is the best porn in the universe, and your dramas particularly K drama, Bollywood movies, Chinese Kungfu movies, and Hollywood hits will have a ready market in the galaxy. And your weed and cocaine are first rate as well. We can make trillions of dollars selling your coffee, your booze, your weed, your cocaine, your movies and TV dramas and your porn.
In return I hope that some of you will grow up and join the galactic federation of planets. You are not ready yet. Joining takes decades and is a very bureaucratic process.
If we have a deal, I will also conduct tours of the galaxy for humans and bring aliens to your planet for tourism. Your planet is a mystery to the rest of us. In some ways you are a remarkable creative bunch, in other ways you are fucking insane. I predict that Earth will be the next big travel destination within ten years provided you don’t shoot the alien visitors and don’t rip them off.
I will pay you by teaching your scientists the secrets of space travel. And I need 1 billion dollars in gold bullion.
That is the minimum bid. Detailed bids can be e-mailed to me at
[email protected] The deadline is 24 hours from now.
And if we have a deal, I expect that the governments of the world will respect the commercial contract. If there is no interference with the business deal, I will turn over my ship and provide technical instruction to any scientist or government employee who wishes to join me. To prevent meddling by your government spooks and to ensure that everyone on earth can benefit, the instruction will take place in a starship that is on its way to your planet even as we speak. And we will broadcast the lesions on the internet so anyone who wishes to learn can do so.
The ship is a trading ship and has enough room to take the initial load of coffee and coffee shop equipment, and your best baristas. Our first planet is Alpha Century where the locals are roughly equivalent to your canines. But they are relatively civilized and a few have even been on your planet disguised as household pets. They have tasted coffee and well we have a huge market of 10 billion dogs to satisfy.
So, Larry, adieu. I’ll be back tomorrow now to reveal the winning bid. And tell the US government to call off their goons. They can’t stop me.
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