The Bee loves a blossom and I love a woman


The bee loves a blossom and I love a woman
The bird loves the valley, and I love the glen
Where flowers of all sorts, with her beauty is blooming
Oh! when shall I see womans beauty again
When the evening is near, o when shall I hear
The voice of my true love adown in the glen.


The bird loves the bushes among the green fields
The flowers love the meadow and bloom in the sun
And I love the cottage that sanctions, and shields
The love of the woman my early days won
O when shall I see, her smiles dear to me
And see my fond children play in the sweet glen.


The bee courts the blossom the whole summer day
When the blossoms bend down, and smiles up again
Oh when shall I fly from lifes follies away
And live there with true love adown in the glen
To share in her joys, and life's leisure employ
Along with my true love adown in the glen.
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