


" What, ho! brave Gauls, " said Brennus once, of old,
" This day a festival in triumph hold!
The fields of Rome my exploits well repay:
I've brought a cutting from their vines away
Let's link together — never more to part,
Thanks to the vine — Love, Honor, Glory, Art!

" Debarred ourselves of its all-potent juice,
We conquered Rome that we might learn its use:
The budding tendrils with their leaves must now
Serve in our land to wreath the Victor's brow
Let's link together — never more to part,
Thanks to the vine — Love, Honor, Glory, Art!

" Blest with this purple grape, in future days
Nations on you shall look with envious gaze:
Engendered in the sun, its nectar's fire
Full many a son of Genius shall inspire
Let's link together — never more to part,
Thanks to the vine — Love, Honor, Glory, Art!

" Leaving our shores with peace and plenty crowned,
A thousand vessels o'er the waves shall bound;
Wines for their cargo — garlands on the mast —
Wide o'er the world by them shall joy be cast.
Let's link together — never more to part,
Thanks to the vine — Love, Honor, Glory, Art!

" Women, who rule us with despotic sway,
Ye who prepare our armor for the fray,
Ah! let its juice be added to the store
Of healing balms, that in our wounds ye pour!
Let's link together — never more to part,
Thanks to the vine — Love, Honor, Glory, Art.

" Be we united — thus, our neighboring foes
Shall learn, when danger threatens our repose,
How the frail props that lend our vines support
Can beat them off, if other arms fall short.
Let's link together — never more to part,
Thanks to the vine — Love, Honor, Glory, Art!

" Bacchus! a people hospitably prone
Prays that thy lustre round them may be thrown:
Grant that the exile seated at our feast
Forget his country — for awhile at least
Let's link together — never more to part,
Thanks to the vine — Love, Honor, Glory, Art! "

Then Brennus, offering to the gods a prayer,
Dug with his spear a hole, and planted there
His cutting of the vine — the Gauls elate
Saw France before them, and her destined fate
Let's link together — never more to part,
Thanks to the vine — Love, Honor, Glory, Art!
Author of original: 
Pierre Jean de B├®ranger
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