Brotherly Love
D ESCEND , Thou mild, pacific D OVE
Thine Image on our Hearts impress;
Transform our Passions all to Love,
And sooth our Discords into Peace.
In Arms of warm Benevolence,
Teach us t' embrace all Human Kind;
And like the Sun, around dispense
The Wishes of a gen'rous Mind.
We are but Parts of one great Whole,
And may our Hearts, enlarg'd, exult
To scatter Bliss from Pole to Pole,
And still the Gen'ral Good consult!
But may the beauteous Sons of Grace,
Attract a more peculiar Love;
And the fair Charms of Holiness
A more exalted Passion move.
Where e'er our Father's Image shines,
And his dear Lineaments appear,
May we approve the heav'nly Lines,
And our Affections center there.
May sympathetic Sorrows fill
Our Hearts, to view another's Grief;
And may our Hands be open still
To bless the Needy with Relief.
May we our Brother's Fault conceal,
And mild and inoffensive live;
And may our Bosoms ever feel
That God-like Pleasure, to forgive .
O gentle Love! Celestial Guest!
Visit a jarring World again;
Come dwell forever in our Breast,
And there triumphant ever reign.
Then while the noisy Sons of Strife
Are with tumultous Passions whirl'd,
We shall enjoy a peaceful Life,
Amid a murm'ring, jangling World.
Thine Image on our Hearts impress;
Transform our Passions all to Love,
And sooth our Discords into Peace.
In Arms of warm Benevolence,
Teach us t' embrace all Human Kind;
And like the Sun, around dispense
The Wishes of a gen'rous Mind.
We are but Parts of one great Whole,
And may our Hearts, enlarg'd, exult
To scatter Bliss from Pole to Pole,
And still the Gen'ral Good consult!
But may the beauteous Sons of Grace,
Attract a more peculiar Love;
And the fair Charms of Holiness
A more exalted Passion move.
Where e'er our Father's Image shines,
And his dear Lineaments appear,
May we approve the heav'nly Lines,
And our Affections center there.
May sympathetic Sorrows fill
Our Hearts, to view another's Grief;
And may our Hands be open still
To bless the Needy with Relief.
May we our Brother's Fault conceal,
And mild and inoffensive live;
And may our Bosoms ever feel
That God-like Pleasure, to forgive .
O gentle Love! Celestial Guest!
Visit a jarring World again;
Come dwell forever in our Breast,
And there triumphant ever reign.
Then while the noisy Sons of Strife
Are with tumultous Passions whirl'd,
We shall enjoy a peaceful Life,
Amid a murm'ring, jangling World.
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