Drink the cup — inebriate thy soul: the cup of the nectar of Hari's love
Drink the cup — inebriate thy soul: the cup of the nectar of Hari's love.
Childhood was lost in play and laughter: in youth woman enslaved thee.
In age phlegm and vapours beset thee: thy body thou couldst not stir one inch.
Thou didst not frequent the company of Sants, nor seek out lesson or hymn: nor didst thou fix thy love on the feet of the Lord.
Yet even now take thought and understand, O foolish: in this world there is none thine own.
Lust, anger, pride, coveting and envy: night and day thou remainest in their toils.
Dalliance with the sensual pleasures of the world is as the noose of death fallen about thy neck.
Why hast thou wandered led by the allurement of the body? this foul body profits no one.
If thou wilt pass beyond the four and eighty million births, then give up the desire for woman.
As the deer of the jungle roams, while within its lotus navel is the musk.
Wandering, wandering, why wander further astray? The door of thy heart throw open wide.
In argument and controversy nights and days were spent: the secret of this birth as man thou hast not grasped.
This form of a man has gone fruitless: from the chance that was thine thou didst gain no profit.
Parents, brother, sons, and kinsmen: none can journey in thy company.
Long as life lasts, sing Hari's praises: wealth and health last but ten short days.
Of right deeds and duties thou hast not known one: that which is Real, thou hast never known.
For lack of the true Guru thou hast suffered all this: the physician for this body thou didst never find.
Through the four creations men have wandered: never did they trace the true path out.
Kabir says, Hear, O brother Sadhus: man from head to foot is full of poison.
Childhood was lost in play and laughter: in youth woman enslaved thee.
In age phlegm and vapours beset thee: thy body thou couldst not stir one inch.
Thou didst not frequent the company of Sants, nor seek out lesson or hymn: nor didst thou fix thy love on the feet of the Lord.
Yet even now take thought and understand, O foolish: in this world there is none thine own.
Lust, anger, pride, coveting and envy: night and day thou remainest in their toils.
Dalliance with the sensual pleasures of the world is as the noose of death fallen about thy neck.
Why hast thou wandered led by the allurement of the body? this foul body profits no one.
If thou wilt pass beyond the four and eighty million births, then give up the desire for woman.
As the deer of the jungle roams, while within its lotus navel is the musk.
Wandering, wandering, why wander further astray? The door of thy heart throw open wide.
In argument and controversy nights and days were spent: the secret of this birth as man thou hast not grasped.
This form of a man has gone fruitless: from the chance that was thine thou didst gain no profit.
Parents, brother, sons, and kinsmen: none can journey in thy company.
Long as life lasts, sing Hari's praises: wealth and health last but ten short days.
Of right deeds and duties thou hast not known one: that which is Real, thou hast never known.
For lack of the true Guru thou hast suffered all this: the physician for this body thou didst never find.
Through the four creations men have wandered: never did they trace the true path out.
Kabir says, Hear, O brother Sadhus: man from head to foot is full of poison.
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