Excuse to His Mistrisse for Resolving to Love so Worthye a Creature, An. Sonet 7 -
Sonet 7.
Blame not my hearte for flying vp so high
Sith thow art cause that it this flight begun
For earthlye vapoures drawne vp by the sun
Comets become and night-suns in the skie.
My humble hearte so with thy heauenly eye
Drawen vp alofte all low desires doth shun
Rayse thow me vp as thow my heart hast done
So during night in heauen remayne may I.
Blame not I say againe my high desire
Sith of vs both the cause thereof depends
In thee doth shine in me doth burne a fire
Fire drawes vp others and it selfe ascends
Thyne eye a fire and so drawes vp my loue
My loue a fire and so ascends aboue.
Blame not my hearte for flying vp so high
Sith thow art cause that it this flight begun
For earthlye vapoures drawne vp by the sun
Comets become and night-suns in the skie.
My humble hearte so with thy heauenly eye
Drawen vp alofte all low desires doth shun
Rayse thow me vp as thow my heart hast done
So during night in heauen remayne may I.
Blame not I say againe my high desire
Sith of vs both the cause thereof depends
In thee doth shine in me doth burne a fire
Fire drawes vp others and it selfe ascends
Thyne eye a fire and so drawes vp my loue
My loue a fire and so ascends aboue.
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