False Craessyde have yow chaungde your mynde

False Craessyde have yow chaungde your mynde
from hym that loved yow so well
And is your faith lyke to the wynde
false Craessyde then farewell a

I thinke yow better loste then fownde
of me that loved yow so well
For who will builde on Sandye grownde
false Craesside fare yow well a

My harte that sometymes was your owne
and lovede yow butt to to well
Hath founde that yow have falsehoode showne
false Craesside fare yow well a

Butt hee that hath your favoure wonne
from me that lovede yow so well
Cannott love yowe as I have donne
false Craessyde fare yow well a

Butt Shee that nowe my harte enjoyes
that sometymes lovede yow so well
Excelleth yow tenn thowsande waies
false Craesside fare yow well a

In yow I will no more putt truste
nor never more love yow so well
Be fickle, fyrme, or as yow luste
false Craesside fare yow well a

Summ diomed or faithles Greeke
whose Syrenes songe lykes yow so well
At laste may quyte yow with the lyke
false Craessyde fare yow well a

Yf Troylus then on your happe rue
and never cease to wishe yow well
Blame but your selfe since he was true
false Craesside so farewell a.
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