Four Words

Beloved, the briefest words are best;
And all the fine euphonious ways
In which the truth has been expressed
Since Adam's early Eden days,
Could never match the simple phrase, —
Sweetheart, I love you!

If I should say the world were blank
Without your face; if I should call
The stars to witness, rank on rank,
That I am true, although they fall, —
'T would mean but this, — and this means all, —
Sweetheart, I love you!

And so, whatever change is wrought
By time or fate, delight or dole,
One single happy, helpful thought
Makes strong and calm my steady soul,
And these sweet words contain the whole, —
Sweetheart, I love you!

I will not wrong their truth to-day
By wild, impassioned vows of faith,
Since all that volumes could convey
Is compassed thus in half a breath,
Which holds and hallows life and death, —
Sweetheart, I love you!
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