The Happy Pair


L UCY , since the knot was tied,
Which confirmed thee Strephon's bride,
All is pleasure, all is joy,
Married love can never cloy;
Learn, ye rovers, learn from this,
Marriage is the road to bliss.


Whilst thy kindness every hour
Gathers pleasure with its power,
Love and tenderness in thee
Must be happiness to me.
Learn, ye rovers, learn from this,
Marriage is substantial bliss.


Godlike Hymen, ever reign,
Ruler of the happy train,
Lift thy flaming torch above
All the flights of wanton love;
Peaceful, solid, blest, serene,
Triumph in the married scene.


Blest with thee, the sultry day
Flies on wings of down away.
Labouring o'er the yellow plain
Open to the sun and rain,
All my painful labours fly,
When I think my Lucy's nigh.


O my Strephon, could my heart
Happiness to thee impart,
Joy should sing away the hour,
Love should every pleasure shower:
Search my faithful breast, and see,
I am blest in loving thee.


Godlike Hymen, ever reign,
Ruler of the happy train,
Lift thy flaming torch above
All the flights of wanton love;
Peaceful, solid, blest, serene,
Triumph in the married scene.
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