HYMN 42. The Dying Love of Christ

C ARY'S Tune .

When I by faith my Saviour see,
And think what he has done for me,
It strikes my soul with sweet surprise,
And fills with tears my wond'ring eyes! —
His blood was shed to set me free
From everlasting misery!

On all his beauties while I gaze,
And see them in his suff'rings blaze,
My heart, like wax before the fire,
Melts into love and strong desire. —
His blood was shed to set me free
From everlasting misery!

Was it for me those hands were torn?
For me he suffer'd shame and scorn?
Was it my name which, written there,
Drew to his heart the bloody spear? —
Was his blood shed to set me free
From everlasting misery?

Did Jesus hide me in his veins?
And did my sins awake those pains
Which, like a fire, through all his frame
Ravag'd in one devouring flame?
Was his blood shed to set me free
From everlasting misery?
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