Hymns for the Lord's Supper - Hymn 28
O Lord, thou dost a broken heart
And contrite mind approve,
Wilt humble penitents receive
With pity, joy, and love.
Teach us o'er all our sins to weep,
And in thy grace rejoice;
To mix confessions of our guilt
With a thanksgiving voice.
O let thy spirit's convincing power
Dispose us to repent;
That holy oil will soften rocks,
Make flinty hearts relent.
Let that reviving comforter
Seal to us pard'ning grace;
Nor let the sins we loath, eclipse
The lustre of thy face.
Behold our glorious advocate
At thy right hand inthron'd,
Who by the offering of his blood
Has for them all aton'd.
He for our great and numerous sins
Once numerous torments bore;
For them the scourges, thorns, and nails,
His flesh so rudely tore.
Rivers of blood ran from his wounds,
His eyes wept briny show'rs;
And all this pain and grief he felt
For crimes intirely ours.
Lord, since our pardon cost so dear,
Yet comes to us so free,
Whence is it that our narrow souls
Shew no more love to thee?
May this endearing love of thine,
By thousand torments prov'd,
Increase our love and zeal to thee,
Who us so much hast lov'd.
O Lord, thou dost a broken heart
And contrite mind approve,
Wilt humble penitents receive
With pity, joy, and love.
Teach us o'er all our sins to weep,
And in thy grace rejoice;
To mix confessions of our guilt
With a thanksgiving voice.
O let thy spirit's convincing power
Dispose us to repent;
That holy oil will soften rocks,
Make flinty hearts relent.
Let that reviving comforter
Seal to us pard'ning grace;
Nor let the sins we loath, eclipse
The lustre of thy face.
Behold our glorious advocate
At thy right hand inthron'd,
Who by the offering of his blood
Has for them all aton'd.
He for our great and numerous sins
Once numerous torments bore;
For them the scourges, thorns, and nails,
His flesh so rudely tore.
Rivers of blood ran from his wounds,
His eyes wept briny show'rs;
And all this pain and grief he felt
For crimes intirely ours.
Lord, since our pardon cost so dear,
Yet comes to us so free,
Whence is it that our narrow souls
Shew no more love to thee?
May this endearing love of thine,
By thousand torments prov'd,
Increase our love and zeal to thee,
Who us so much hast lov'd.
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