Knight of My Maiden Love

Knight of my maiden love,
Stalwart and manly—
Ever my yearning heart searcheth for thee;
Searcheth the busy crowd;
Hearken its babble loud;
Yearning in secret, thy dear face to see.

Knight of my maiden love,
Stalwart and manly—
Tender thy words were, and tender thy mien;
Deep in my loving heart,
Thee, hath I set apart—
Prince of my fancy, and lord of my dream.

Knight of my maiden love,
Stalwart and manly—
Calm and composed in thy presence I seem;
This is my sex decree—
Maidens must modest be;
And manly courage hath made thee my dream.

Knight of my maiden love,
Stalwart and manly—
'Tis not thy noble form, I love the best;
Nay, 'tis thy tenderness,
Tempered with manliness,
Forming a noble heart, deep in thy breast.
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