Laura. The Toyes of a Traveller. Or. The Feast of Fancie - Part 1, 27
Justly of thee (Love partiall) I complaine,
That at one instant, and with one selfe stroke,
Thou darted hast into my hart with paine
Cold chilly frost, and fierie flaming smoke.
Ay me, within me (both) I secret hold,
And whilst th'one burnes me, th'other makes me cold.
Then Cruell, since thou wilt two contraries
(Against my soule) within my hart shall rest,
Ah yet make peace twixt them in loving wise,
Or els (sweete Love) doo promise this at least;
Flame to my frost, and water to my fire,
Life to my hart, to comfort my desire.
That at one instant, and with one selfe stroke,
Thou darted hast into my hart with paine
Cold chilly frost, and fierie flaming smoke.
Ay me, within me (both) I secret hold,
And whilst th'one burnes me, th'other makes me cold.
Then Cruell, since thou wilt two contraries
(Against my soule) within my hart shall rest,
Ah yet make peace twixt them in loving wise,
Or els (sweete Love) doo promise this at least;
Flame to my frost, and water to my fire,
Life to my hart, to comfort my desire.
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