To a Lawyer's Fine Daughter
You did my Motion to be heard, forbid,
Yet me, for want of Moving, non-suited;
You say, by bold Claims you, like Heav'n, are lost,
That he who fears and trembles, merits most;
That you, as Heav'n, Men by Presumption lose,
You, your Blest, by their Self-denials chuse;
That they their Merit lose, of Faith and Love,
When they Love's Joys to be their Due wou'd prove;
As Beggars bold, who rather claim than sue,
Forfeit that Pity, which were else their Due;
Then I, since thee, not as my Right, I crave,
Shou'd thee sure, as my Right, in Justice have;
For as Love's Plea of Quantum meruit , shou'd
To Love's Complainant be the less allow'd,
The more he on his Faith and Merit stood;
My Merit me shou'd of my Right deprive,
If by it, I wou'd claim, what you shou'd give;
Righting my self, I Wrong shou'd to you do,
Rob you o'th' Gift, and Obligation too;
But since I do not boldly to thee sue,
Nor claim thy Heart, by my Love, as it's Due;
My Non-claim, thou shoud'st think, my Right to thee,
And no Default in my Love's Suit, to be;
Since Passion most, does Men of Speech deprive,
My Silence, for my Love's best Plea, receive;
Ceasing your Trouble, you shou'd think Respect,
My Absence, my due Distance, not Neglect;
Tho' to your Summons, I did not appear,
You can't condemn the Cause you wou'd not hear;
A Hearing to all Suitors, by all Laws,
Is still allow'd, e'er they dismiss the Cause;
Therefore, if justly you'd condemn me, you
A Hearing to me, shou'd at least allow;
Your Father's Counsel do not only take,
Who can a Good Cause of a Bad One make;
If him you hear against me, (as you do,)
You shou'd, in Common-Justice, hear me too,
Since hearing One Side only, surely you
Were more unjust; your Father hear not, pray,
Without your hearing too, what I can say;
Since that your Father's Practice still has been,
Suits to Delay, he is consulted in,
Let Love, not him, consulted be by you,
That you, my Business, yours I best may do;
Since Love is but like Justice too, (we find,)
More to dispatching of all Suits inclin'd,
But as less Mercenary, and more Blind.
Yet me, for want of Moving, non-suited;
You say, by bold Claims you, like Heav'n, are lost,
That he who fears and trembles, merits most;
That you, as Heav'n, Men by Presumption lose,
You, your Blest, by their Self-denials chuse;
That they their Merit lose, of Faith and Love,
When they Love's Joys to be their Due wou'd prove;
As Beggars bold, who rather claim than sue,
Forfeit that Pity, which were else their Due;
Then I, since thee, not as my Right, I crave,
Shou'd thee sure, as my Right, in Justice have;
For as Love's Plea of Quantum meruit , shou'd
To Love's Complainant be the less allow'd,
The more he on his Faith and Merit stood;
My Merit me shou'd of my Right deprive,
If by it, I wou'd claim, what you shou'd give;
Righting my self, I Wrong shou'd to you do,
Rob you o'th' Gift, and Obligation too;
But since I do not boldly to thee sue,
Nor claim thy Heart, by my Love, as it's Due;
My Non-claim, thou shoud'st think, my Right to thee,
And no Default in my Love's Suit, to be;
Since Passion most, does Men of Speech deprive,
My Silence, for my Love's best Plea, receive;
Ceasing your Trouble, you shou'd think Respect,
My Absence, my due Distance, not Neglect;
Tho' to your Summons, I did not appear,
You can't condemn the Cause you wou'd not hear;
A Hearing to all Suitors, by all Laws,
Is still allow'd, e'er they dismiss the Cause;
Therefore, if justly you'd condemn me, you
A Hearing to me, shou'd at least allow;
Your Father's Counsel do not only take,
Who can a Good Cause of a Bad One make;
If him you hear against me, (as you do,)
You shou'd, in Common-Justice, hear me too,
Since hearing One Side only, surely you
Were more unjust; your Father hear not, pray,
Without your hearing too, what I can say;
Since that your Father's Practice still has been,
Suits to Delay, he is consulted in,
Let Love, not him, consulted be by you,
That you, my Business, yours I best may do;
Since Love is but like Justice too, (we find,)
More to dispatching of all Suits inclin'd,
But as less Mercenary, and more Blind.
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