Love is Sofft

Love is sofft, love is swet, love is goed sware;
Love is muche tene, love is muchel kare.
Love is blissene mest, love is bot gare;
Love is wondred and wo, wiþ forto fare.

Love is hap wo hit haveþ, love is god hele;
Love is lecher and les, and lef forto tele.
Love is douti in þe world, wiþ forto dele;
Love makeþ in þe lond moni hounlele.

Love is stalewarde and strong to striden on stede;
Love is loveliche a þing to wommone nede.
Love is hardi and hot as glouinde glede;
Love makeþ moni mai wiþ teres to wede.

Love had his stiuart bi sti and bi strete;
Love makeþ moni mai hire wonges to wete.
Love is hap wo hit haveþ, hon forto hete;
Love is wis, love is war and wilfful an sete.

Love is þe softeste þing in herte mai slepe;
Love is craft, love is goed wiþ kares to kepe.
Love is les, love is lef, love is longinge;
Love is fol, love is fast, love is frowringe;
Love is sellich an þing, wose shal soþ singe.

Love is wele, love is wo, love is gleddede,
Love is lif, love is deþ, love mai hous fede.
Were love also londdrei as he is furst kene
Hit were þe wordlokste þing in werlde were, Ich wene
Hit is isaid in an song, soþ is isene —
Love comseþ wiþ kare and hendeþ wiþ tene,
Mid lavedi, mid wive, mid maide, mid quene.
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