Love's Argument
" How lovely is that curve of dazzling breast!
Now am I blest
Beyond all words, in that thou art so fair! " She . —
" Thou art the stronger. Teach me, love, to be
Ever to thee
True helper. In life's struggle let me share! " He . —
" The starlit heaven is less sweet than thine eyes:
Within them lies
An unknown passionate world beyond my dream. " She . —
" Yet must we, prisoners in this world of woe,
Climb from below
Long leagues before heaven's mountain-summits gleam. " He . —
" Bend forward gently. Shaped e'en Phidias' hand
A neck more grand
In every passionate sweet imperious line? " She . —
" Time will not spare, who spares no loveliest flower;
It has its hour:
Seek thou the soul's imperishable shrine. " He . —
" Hath the soul radiant beauty such as this?
Such lips to kiss,
Such hair to fondle, and such hands to stroke? " She . —
" To-morrow some new woman will pass by:
Through mouth and eye
'Twill be to thee as if a new God spoke. " He . —
" Love me to-day. Lo! all the heaven is bright
With sweet sunlight,
And yet thy loveliness outshines the sun. " She . —
" If I love thee, wilt thou love me till death?
Will his cold breath
Leave the two souls inseparably one? "
Now am I blest
Beyond all words, in that thou art so fair! " She . —
" Thou art the stronger. Teach me, love, to be
Ever to thee
True helper. In life's struggle let me share! " He . —
" The starlit heaven is less sweet than thine eyes:
Within them lies
An unknown passionate world beyond my dream. " She . —
" Yet must we, prisoners in this world of woe,
Climb from below
Long leagues before heaven's mountain-summits gleam. " He . —
" Bend forward gently. Shaped e'en Phidias' hand
A neck more grand
In every passionate sweet imperious line? " She . —
" Time will not spare, who spares no loveliest flower;
It has its hour:
Seek thou the soul's imperishable shrine. " He . —
" Hath the soul radiant beauty such as this?
Such lips to kiss,
Such hair to fondle, and such hands to stroke? " She . —
" To-morrow some new woman will pass by:
Through mouth and eye
'Twill be to thee as if a new God spoke. " He . —
" Love me to-day. Lo! all the heaven is bright
With sweet sunlight,
And yet thy loveliness outshines the sun. " She . —
" If I love thee, wilt thou love me till death?
Will his cold breath
Leave the two souls inseparably one? "
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