Love's Charming

Maid of fifteen, in childlike beauty dight,
Fair head with crinkled ringlets golden-tressed,
Rose-petalled forehead, cheeks like amethyst,
Laughter that lifts the soul to Heaven's delight;

And neck like snow, and throat than milk more white,
And heartfull-blossomed neath a budding breast—
Beauty divine in human form expressed,
And virtue worthy of that beauty bright—

An eye whose light can change the night to day,
A gentle hand that smooths away my care,
Yet holds my life caught in its fingers' snare;

Withal a voice that's ever fain to sing,
Still stopped by smiles, or sweet sighs languishing—
These are the spells that charmed my wits away.
Author of original: 
Pierre de Ronsard
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