Loves Negative

Loves Negative

Noe tis not beauty must Confine
Loves Votaries to venus shrine
Nor any specious good
Of flesh and blood
The fairest then would only know
The benefitt of Cupid's bow
And Natures Courser Clay
Is Throne away.

Noe tis not soules divinly joynd
In sweetest hermony of mind
Nor sympathy of hartes
That love imparts
Then equall thoughts would ballance soe
The highest Virtues with the Loe
That who soe doth excell
Must not doe Well.

Noe tis not wealth nor birth nor fame
Nor privilidge by fortune's Claime
The poore and loe borne men
Would want it then
Nor fates nor minds nor bodyes give
Loves Monarch this perogative
Only by nature linckt
It is Instinckt:
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