Maecenas birthday from Mr Pestall For his much Loveing, More Beloved Most Learned Friend
For his much loueing, more beloued most learned frend, M r . P. Kynder. Horaces Ode to Phillis Lib 4 Od. 11.
P HILLIS here is for thee in store
A barrell nine yeres ould and more
Full of Albanian wine
My garden parsley shal p re pare
And Iuie chapletts for thy haire
To make it dubly shine.
See the fresh laughter new create
Reflected from refulgent plate
While crownd w th verbaine chast
The sacred alter thirsting cries
Give me a lamb for sacrifice
I long his blood to tast.
Diligence moues all hands and feete
Pell-mell my ladds & lasses meete
Soe mingling worke & play:
Bright flames against black fumes make head
But these for all theire vap'ring fledd
And those haue wonne the day.
Come Phil. this is not euery tyme
The vernal sunn is in his prime
And these are April Ides
In midst of Venus month soe plac't
As is the Ceston 'bout her wast
W c h all her sweetes diuides.
Maecenas birth day whose renowne
Makes me well nigh post-date myne owne
And spend my ioyful teares
To see returnd that pretious light
From whence my King-deriued Knig[h]t
Records his prosperous yeares.
Come Sweete & frolick then w t h vs
Noe Longer doate on Telaphus
A youth aboue thy fate
A wanton Wench & rich beside
Hath him in twofould bondage tie'd
Nor does he proue vngrate.
Alack! there are examples found
Of Phaiton both burnt & drown'd
All greedie hopes to check
The foole, Belleraphon who tried
The heau'nlie winged horse to ride
Fell downe & broake his neck.
O Phillis these sad stories teach
Vs court nothing past ou r reach
Then strike a match w t h me.
Of harts we'ele driue a mutuall trade
For myne noe flame shal e're inuade
To feymale after thee.
Come then & lett us both reioyce
Gracing my verses w t h thy voice
What shame to this belongs?
When thou & I sitt arme in arme
All earthly cares to fright & charme
Or minish w t h ou r Song.
P HILLIS here is for thee in store
A barrell nine yeres ould and more
Full of Albanian wine
My garden parsley shal p re pare
And Iuie chapletts for thy haire
To make it dubly shine.
See the fresh laughter new create
Reflected from refulgent plate
While crownd w th verbaine chast
The sacred alter thirsting cries
Give me a lamb for sacrifice
I long his blood to tast.
Diligence moues all hands and feete
Pell-mell my ladds & lasses meete
Soe mingling worke & play:
Bright flames against black fumes make head
But these for all theire vap'ring fledd
And those haue wonne the day.
Come Phil. this is not euery tyme
The vernal sunn is in his prime
And these are April Ides
In midst of Venus month soe plac't
As is the Ceston 'bout her wast
W c h all her sweetes diuides.
Maecenas birth day whose renowne
Makes me well nigh post-date myne owne
And spend my ioyful teares
To see returnd that pretious light
From whence my King-deriued Knig[h]t
Records his prosperous yeares.
Come Sweete & frolick then w t h vs
Noe Longer doate on Telaphus
A youth aboue thy fate
A wanton Wench & rich beside
Hath him in twofould bondage tie'd
Nor does he proue vngrate.
Alack! there are examples found
Of Phaiton both burnt & drown'd
All greedie hopes to check
The foole, Belleraphon who tried
The heau'nlie winged horse to ride
Fell downe & broake his neck.
O Phillis these sad stories teach
Vs court nothing past ou r reach
Then strike a match w t h me.
Of harts we'ele driue a mutuall trade
For myne noe flame shal e're inuade
To feymale after thee.
Come then & lett us both reioyce
Gracing my verses w t h thy voice
What shame to this belongs?
When thou & I sitt arme in arme
All earthly cares to fright & charme
Or minish w t h ou r Song.
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