For a Marriage -

The oneness of wedlock, by Christ,
Has from earthly been blest to divine,
As the water that once, by His word,
Was, at Cana, all turn'd into wine.

And the welding of two holy lives
Into one, in the name of the Son,
Still betokens the blending in Him
Of the Godhead and manhood in one.

Let the wife ever honor the man,
And the man ever love his own wife;
As the Savior so loved his church
That He for her upgave His own life.

Let the husband and wife, as one flesh,
Have one life, and one home, and one name,
And one honor, one weal, and one woe,
One God, and one hope, and one aim.

Never let them be ever more twain
Until one shall have drawn the last breath;
And be lovely and blest in their lives,
To be blest in a life beyond death.
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