How did “you are such a unique person, I’ve never met anyone like you before”
turned into “you couldn’t have done better than me”?
How did “I want you”
turned into “I’m tired”?
How did “I want to spend all of my time with you”
turned into “I need my alone time” (all evening)?
How did “you will be an amazing mom”
turned into “why do you do that? How did you let that happened”?
How did “you are my partner in crime, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with”
turned into “Just go alone, I’m fine here”
How did we
turned into you and I and the baby?
How did love
turned into loneliness and pain?
How did affection
tuned into anger?
How did happiness
turned into depression?
How did life
turned into death?
And how did laughs
turned into breath?
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