Saturday April 17
You are my Lode Star
in the morning dawning light
you are always there
you are my lode star
my sunshine, my moonshine
the love of my life, my wife
with your endless love
I will face the evil corrupted world
even walk through the shadow of death
as long as you by my side
I will fear no evil for you are with me
and I will love you
until death takes me
from your your loving embrace
another Nigerian spam found poem
the Nigerians keep sending me
and millions of others
delightedly creative spam messages
this is one of the nicer ones
I have received
but don’t send her any money!!!!!
Good day Child of God,
Calvary Greetings
in the name of the LORD Almighty
the giver of every good thing.
Good day and compliments of the seasons,
i know this letter
will definitely come to you
as a huge surprise,
I humbly
ask you to give me
your attention
and hear me,
i am writing this mail
to you
with heavy sorrow
in my heart,
but I implore you
to take the time
to go through it carefully
as the decision you make
will go off a long way
to determine
my future
and continued existence.
I am Mrs. Esther Heidi
aging widow of 61 years old
suffering from long time illness.
I have some funds
I inherited from my late husband
, the sum of ($17 Million Dollars) a
And I needed a very honest
and God fearing
who can withdraw this money
then use the funds for Charity works
I found your email address
from the internet
after honest prayers
to the LORD
to bring me a helper
and i decided to contact you
if you may be willing
and interested to handle
these trust funds in good faith
before anything happens to me.
I accept this decision
because I do not have any child
who will inherit this money
after I die.
I want your urgent reply
to me so that I will give you
the deposit receipt
which the bank issued to me
as next of kin
for immediate transfer of the money
to your account in your country,
to start the good work of God,
I want you to use the 30/percent
of the total amount to help
yourself in doing the project.
I am desperately
in keen need of assistance
and I have summoned
up courage to contact you
for this task,
you must not fail me
and the millions of the poor people
in our todays WORLD.
This is no stolen money
and there are no dangers involved,
with full legal proof.
Please if you would be able
to use the funds for the Charity
(Note: I would use the money
to invest in the Church of Jake)
I want you to
take 30 percent of the total money
for your personal use
while 70% of the money
will go to charity.
I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality
and trust in this matter to accomplish
my heart desire, as I don't want anything
that will jeopardize my last wish.
Please kindly
respond for further details.
Thanks and God bless you,
Mrs. Esther Heidi
comment: the sad reality
is that 10 percent
of people fall for these scams
and loose lots of money
whole towns in Nigeria
exist to exploit the world
they call themselves
the 404 army
if it is too good to be true
it is probably not true
end comment
Last Day of America
the last day of America
was the day we last voted
the last election we ever had
for on that day
a month before
the corona virus re-emerged
as the great re-opening
of the US economy
failed to stop the relentless spread
of the virus from hell
causing panic and mass confusion
fear kept Americans home
and Donald Trump
was re-elected
because his voters
believed that God
had told them to vote
for their new found king
the newly energized President Trump
declared a national emergency
martial law
and suspension of the constitution
Promising to restore democracy
when the time was right
he promised his followers
that he would restore Christian values
renaming the United States
the Christian States of America
on that date
we met our fate
Christian fascism
was here to stay
on the last day
of American
writers digest prompt - last blank
the Conqueror Worm Corona Sonnet
Lo, t’s a galla night
within the lonesome later years
when around the world
the dreaded corona virus showed its might
spending fear to those in their later years
that it might take them in the night
that before the sun came up
their time on earth would end up
# content tracing: the Conqueror Worm By Edgar Allan Poe
writing.com corona sonnet form challenge
my Mother’s secret life as a mad poet Not for publication - remove from Poetry soup etc
one day I discovered
an unpublished poem
that my mother
had written
when she was in the midst
of her madness
before dementia silenced
the voices in her head
she had typed it out
and hid it among her papers
I read it while going through her stuff
decided to kept it
and reflected up it
over the years
my mother was born
perhaps 40 years too soon
for she was a true free spirit
a truly original thinker
and I wished
she had published
her writings
in her story
she talked about
the endless blame
that she felt
besieged on all sides
by the demands
of her children
and her cold unfeeling husband
who just did not get her
her poem speaks for itself
A Mother's Blues
How much longer can I live
With the thin edge of hysteria
And constant paranoia?
The slightest misstep on my part
Unleashes a tirade of my past sins, real and imagined--because I am the enemy.
I can't be true to myself
Since if I disagree
Even in the friendliest manner
The 16-mm. guns are revved up for a full-scale counter attack.
I wonder that I am still functioning.
By now almost anyone known to me
Has been subjected to the most agonizing kind of torture
And my humiliation is almost complete.
The phone calls I have gotten
Asking if that is my real position?
Or even worse asking
What am I doing
To cause such unprecedented allegations
Of provoking suicide
Are almost unbelievable.
And yet I have to listen,
In no way say or do anything that would even suggest
That anyone else than myself is the cause
And that the correction must come from me.
The reason is that when I am able
I do not want to let anyone else think differently
Since I persist
In the notion
That this is private
And there should be no intrusions.
But then late at night
When I am exhausted
And with no more defenses
My vulnerability is so effectively exploited.
I turn the other cheek, I change the subject
But then I get cornered
Because there is the screaming insult,
The statement of fact that is not fact
The bitter charges, the assertion of a position
That is they condemned
In the non-stop monologue,
The immediate challenge to get out,
And the endless litany
Of the deepest kind of hatred.
Am I the one to run--I have to no avail.
Am I the one to fight back
I have but to no consequence.
Can I ask for the common decency?
Of being able to sleep for a few hours
So that I can stumble
Through the routine of earning some money
Which goes to support my continued torture.
Do I have the option of fighting all night,
Sleeping all day and then returning to the fray?
Do I even have the right of insisting
The ledger is not all that one-sided?
No, I'm there to assault.
Money in unimportant
And so I don't need to work.
Because when it is all lost the avenger
Will then ride to the rescue
By taking in the laundry.
Do my dreams matter?
No, they are false and of no consequence.
Or, worse they are wrong.
Or, even worse they should be stamped out.
And now my final abjection. Exhausted, desperately striving for the moment of quiet that precedes a restful sleep a son arrives asking for a chat. I try but I don't want to give advice, as I have none really to give. But my avenging angel swoops in saying why listen to that creep--he's a two-time loser. Did you know all the crimes he has committed? Once again I could not remain detached and listen to the skill of the assault or the spilling of the hatred so long denied its vengeance.
I fight back and my humiliation is now complete. Do I have any person left with whom I can feel whole? I am being reduced to a hunted animal.
If I have a kind word for anyone that person is at risk. Can I fight back? No, because there is the ultimate blackmail of the constant threat of suicide--I live daily with the fear that my reactions will trigger this. After all, when the world is tired of hearing how bad I am what can prove it.
Should I finally admit this inevitability and take the only step that can forestall it and that is to move first. What do I have to lose? NOTHING. The anguish and hopelessness would finally be at an end.
My twenty-year struggle to do right would be at the end.
My god, how I have suffered but no one has asked since it was the suffering of others that was all that mattered.
How much larger must my burden of guilt become? When, on when, can I have a reprieve? Can my debts, real or imagined, ever be paid?
the poem spoke to me
for I was perhaps
her favorite son
for of her children
perhaps I was the only one
that ever got her
and I miss her
every day
and wished
I had told her
that before
dementia took her from us
and took her life
poetry superhighway prompt to write a letter based on your mother’s writings
Plane, Train or Automobile - none of us can escape our fate
in these dark and dire times
we find ourselves living
we often fear that the times
are infected with death
and so we are afraid
deathly afraid
that if we take a plane
we will find General Corona
among the passengers
and we afraid
deadly afraid
that the subways
are incubators
of death and destruction
the virus spreads
fear and death
in its wake
many of us
retreating to our homes
and venturing out
in our cars
only to find
death is stalking us
as traffic piles up
traffic accidents
still killing more people
that the dreaded General Corona
the grim reaper smiles
his work is done
Satan thanks General. Corona
for a job well done
writing com daily dew drop in prompt
they say
that God works in mysterious ways
his wonders to perform
every day it seems
that more and more
of what we buy
and consume
comes in packages
sent from here and there
as people
continue to practice
social distancing
and going to the store
becomes an exercise
fraught with peril
and danger
so we order
on line
and we get our packages
sent from here and there
one day we received
a gift package
of clams
delicious fresh clams
as I ate them
I thought of the workers
who had labored unseen
for me to enjoy
this bounty from the sea
and I gave thanks
to the gods
for making it happen
in this day and age
we should thank
those who are still
laboring to feed the world
they are the unsung heroes
of this war fought by nature
under the direction
of General Corona
tweeter speak poetry prompt April 16 Packages
computer madness sonnet
computer madness infects my soul
every day when I turn on my PC
and encounter endless haiku error messages
constant crashing, constant eating my files
at times like this it seems to me
that my mad as a hatter crazed computer
is plotting against me and only me
it wants to drive me quite insane
sending me right around the bend
as I scream at my machine
it beeps at me this damn machine
smiling as I threaten once again
to shoot the hell bound machine
sonnet all poetry computer frustration contest
You have always been my sunshine
You have always been my sunshine
my moonshine, my load star
that guides me in the night
for your sunshine kissed my soul
the day that you walked
out of my dreams
into my life
and became my wife
for 38 years and counting
every morning I see you sleeping
your smile is like the sunshine
that wakes my soul
and banishes the nightmares
back to the dark corners of my mind
love sonnet for all poetry contest on prompt line Sunshine Kissed
Saturday April 18, 2020
Korean Blues Crown of Sonnets
I have been dealing with Things Korean
for almost 40 years now
dealing with a once exotic land
’now my second homeland?
first came to Korea?
in the Peace Corps in Korea?
went to Korea to find the woman
in search of the woman
who haunted my dreams
met the woman
Fell in love with the woman
From Korea who walked out my dreams
In an land still exotic
In a land still exotic
It was a very exotic different land
and even now decades later a new land
remains for most Americans
still a strange land exotic
but much more known land
in the US
due to K drama, K Pop,
Koreans have become globally cool but still exotic
Many of my fellow Americans
may know a few people from Korea
and some have served or lived in Korea
but to most of the us Americans
it remains over there still exotic
a strange Asian exotic land
A strange Asian Exotic land
I fell in love with that exotic land
now I spend half my time living Korean time
half in the U.S. time
and due to the corona time
will be here for some time
and well Korea
no longer an exotic land
as I am now just living in Korea
my thoughts half Korean
and even dream in Korean
so be it near the end of my time
I am back where I began
Writer digest prompt write an exotic poem wrote my first crown of sonnet form too, and it mostly rhymes! go figure
Cosmic Debris Corona Sonnet
use as sample for remaining corona sonnet
the Conqueror Worm Corona Sonnet
Lo, t’s a galla night
within the lonesome later years
when around the world
the dreaded corona virus showed its might
spending fear to those in their later years
that it might take them in the night
that before the sun came up
their time on earth would end up
# content tracing: the Conqueror Worm By Edgar Allan Poe
writing.com corona sonnet form challenge
for Posting 2. Cosmic Debris Corona sonnet 2
I received a mysterious email package
followed by a phone call offering me a magical mask
a mask that they claim would prevent me
from the dreaded General Corona
hey there
who you jiving with that cosmic debris
a mask that they did not want me
me to know about
# content tracing- “Cosmic Debris by Frank Zappa”
with apologies to Frank Zappa
No More Ties for Me!
When I retired
I made three vows
to myself
first, I would spend
my remaining life
loving my wife
second, i would never wear a tie again
unless it was a real special occasion
as I hated wearing ties and suits
wore a suit and tie
almost every day
of my life
as a teacher
later as a foreign service officer
all over the world
last year of my job
I only wore a tie
on "tie worthy occasions"
since then I have been
tie free
except for a wedding
and I love it
hated suits and ties
just not Berkeley enough
for my free spirit
too damn corporate
and I don’t care anymore
and in Oregon, where I lived
no one wore a tie,
not the Oregon way
oh the last thing
I shave twice a month now
used to hate shaving
but I also don't like
a full shaggy itchy beard
and I shaved every day
for years and years
except when I was in the hospital
for a year
and I grew to love
having a beard
back then
back to the office
started shaving again
every damn day
now I do my thing
no office for me
and no more daily shaving
and a beard is also
very Northern Cal/Northwest
Oregonian Chic
so once every two weeks
is a good compromise
my beard is now a poet’s face
and so I hope to keep
these three vows
until my time is done
writing com Daily Dew Drop Inn prompt to write a poem about a piece of clothing
Corona Consumes Me Corona Sonnet 3
I am consumed by the corona virus
and I am slowly being taken over
as the virus infects my mind
taking me over turning me
into a wild raving zombie man
Let there be light
will I become the first
content tracing - Let there be light from Bible and the entire Zombie Apocalypse genre where the Zombie flu started usually in China as a flu and then morphs into the zombie disease
Sunday April 19, 2020
for posting General Corona Leads His Troops Into Battle, crown of sonnets
General Corona leads his forces across the world
riding on a black horse
from out of the Apocalypse ride the four horsemen
which are let loose upon the world
He leads his forces across the world
into battle as the leader of his evil forces
The enemy of humanity
General Corona he does not care
nor does his virus minions care
about your nationality he does not care
about your politics he does not care
or your wealth or who you are
for all you are nothing but humanity
the corona general sees humanity
the corona general sees humanity
as nothing but hosts for his virus army
as nothing but hosts for his virus army
chanting death to humanity
until his evil army
sweeps throughout the world
throughout the world
and millions must die
it is the will of the general all must die
and it is the end of the world
or perhaps the beginning of a new world
filled with hope and love through out the world
humanity comes alive throughout the world
fighting back against the virus army
peace, love and compassion defeats the army
and general corona will finally himself die
Voice Message for God
dialing 202-346-5666 Beep
You have reached GOD
Press 1 for English, Press 2 for Spanish
leave a message or prayer
and maybe an angel will call you
will get back to you Beep
Hey GOD someone sent me your number
and well I hope I’ve reached your number
I don’t know where to start that’s the point
GOD I am scared of you
all the time is my point
I am so afraid, so scared
of the dreaded General Corona
and his invisible army is my point
and his invisible army is my point
forcing me to stay at home
and I am sacred
that you anointed the wrong man
to be our leader, that makes me sacred
not to second guess you man
your will be done and all of that man
but GOD, can’t you do better job my man
of anointing our leaders to serve under GOD
of all the people in the U.S. dear God
this is the best you can do?, man?
I mean you picked perhaps the one man
in the world who could be the anti-chris, God
Seriously GOD what is wrong with you? man
Seriously, GOD, what is wrong with you? man
was this all sort of a cosmic joke?
well it ain’t funny any more ain’t no joke
Please GOD make it all go away, man
Please GOD for the love of GOD
and all that is holly and good, man
just make it all go away, GOD
and anoint someone else, man
a real leader for a change, GOD
and let him lead us to the promised land
this I pray in Jesus’s name, my man
and if I don’t make it, GOD
We have a lot to talk about GOD
See you on the other side, my man
writer digest prompt write a “message Poem” so this is a voice mail to GOD
Every Day I go Back in Time to when she came to Me
every day I go back in time
to the two events that changed my life
to the dream that haunted my life
and the day she walked into my life
and became my wife
I can never forget the dream
falling asleep in the physics class
as the teacher was going on and on
and as I nodded off
I saw here there
standing there
speaking to me
the most beautiful woman
in the entire world
in the entire world
she was speaking to me
and disappeared from my dreams
and I knew that i would be
meeting her some day she would come to me
and so I eventually went to Korea other side of the world
in the Peace corps hoping she would come to me
then one day i had the last and final dream
she said don’t worry she would soon come to me
and then she walked out of my dreams
and there she was she came to me
and so she walked out of my dreams
into my life, became my wife
when she came to me
Poetry Superhighway prompt to write a poem about time travel to your past or your future
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