Monday April 20
Love Dream Triolet
to the woman I met in my dreams
I dedicate my life
May she live forever in my cosmic memes
to the woman I met in my dreams
I will forever remember her gleams
and the day she became my wife
to the woman I met in my dreams
I dedicate my life
National Poetry Month Prompt Day 12
Tuesday April 21
Isolation Blues
During these trying times
we huddle at home
afraid to go out
afraid of the dreaded
General Corona that is out
and his evil secret armies
keeping us all at home
terrified of becoming a victim
a corona virus statistic
what a way to go out
no way do I want to end my life
to out out that way
so we will endure this day
these isolation blues
writers digest Isolation Blues
You’re still a young man
tower of power
was the band
for me
back in the day
the greatest funk band
of all time
proudly East Bay Grease
multi-racial, multi-cultural
great horn section
of all
they did it right
and their best song
You’re still a young man
was the best make out song
of all time
best song to slow dance
with a potential lover
at a party
best love song
of the 70’s
and I still recall it
and all the woman
i danced to the song
with back in the day
and I still feel
that I am still a young man
with the love of my life
playing the song
of my life
poetry superhighway
Coffee Star Sevlin
damn hot coffee
what I need in morning
yet it leaves me with this warning
it will lead to nightmares
as I get ready with hot coffee
sleep will not come nightmares
great hot coffee
My Life’s Drama
My life has been like a drama
a mad cap romcom drama
perhaps a K drama
or a Bollywood drama
or a Hollywood romcom classic drama
for you see in my fairy tale drama
i met the girl of my dreams
eight years later
I had the last dream
she said don’t worry we’ll meet soon
she walked off the bus that day
and into my life
and became my wife
writing com My Life’s Drama
From childhood’s hour I have not been
as others were, I have not seen
as others saw
in these dark times we live in
i am afraid of being alone
dying all alone
content tracing “Alone” By Edgar Allen Poe
Last Acorn
the last acorn on earth
was lonely
the old oak trees
were dying
and humanity was gone
killed off by the corona virus
round two
that erupted out of China
like a bat out of hell
killing almost all humans
and without humans
well somethings just did not happen
and the oak trees were abandoned
and he was the last acorn
the last of his species alive
he wept when he realized
that he would die
all alone
poetry soup contest
Wednesday April 22, 2020
Secret Love for Sheep
one day I had to print
a cover sheet
for some poetry
that I was writing
about my secret love
for sheep
Pensvity 1010
Nigerian Scam found poem
This is to notify you about your fund valued at US$22,000.000.00
After due verification and evaluation of your file,
that was sent to us by the Nigeria Government, i
n conjunction with the Ministry of Finance
and Central Bank of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
This bank received an instruction,
to see to the immediate release of the sum of
of your claim that has been in holding
since it was transferred to your bank Account
from their Domiciliary Account with this Bank.
We were made to understand from our findings
That you have been going
through hard ways
by passing through difficulties t
o see to the release of
your fund
? which has been the handwork
of some miscreant elements
from that Country.
We advise,
that you stop further communication,
with anyone from
anywhere concerning your funds,
you don't have to pass through any
difficult to receive your fund,
as you have met up with the whole
We know your representatives in Nigeria,
or anywhere will advise you to
still go ahead with them,
which will be at your own risk.
will reflect in your designated Bank account
within three Bank working days.
Do not go through anybody again
but through this Bank. ‘
if, you really want
your fund.
Finally, you are advised
to re-confirm these to us,
name, your contact Address,Occupation,
Age and Telephone for easy
We advise that you get back to us
with your details on this
email: [email protected]
Yours sincerely,
Sir. Frank Anthony
Chief Executive,
Natwest Bank London,
United Kingdom
Wednesday April 22
Secret Love for Sheep
one day I had to print
a cover sheet
for some poetry
that I was writing
about my secret love
for sheep
Pensively 101 three word challenge, print, cover, sheep
Nigerian Scam found poem
[audio mp3="https://theworldaccordingtocosmos.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/more-ni...
This is to notify you about your fund valued at US$22,000.000.00
After due verification and evaluation of your file,
that was sent to us by the Nigeria Government,
in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance
and Central Bank of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
This bank received an instruction,
to see to the immediate release of the sum of
of your claim that has been in holding
since it was transferred to your bank Account
from their Domiciliary Account with this Bank.
We were made to understand
from our findings
That you have been going
through hard ways
by passing through difficulties
to see to the release of
your fund
which has been the handwork
of some miscreant elements
from that Country.
We advise,
that you stop further communication,
with anyone from anywhere
concerning your funds,
you don't have to pass through any
difficult to receive your fund,
as you have met up with the whole
We know your representatives in Nigeria,
or anywhere will advise you
to still go ahead with them,
which will be at your own risk.
will reflect in your designated Bank account
within three Bank working days.
Do not go through anybody again
but through this Bank. ‘
if, you really want
your fund.
Finally, you are advised
to re-confirm these to us,
name, your contact Address,Occupation,
Age and Telephone for easy
We advise that you get back to us
with your details on this
email: [email protected]
Yours sincerely,
Sir. Frank Anthony
Chief Executive,
Nat-west Bank London,
United Kingdom
She came to me in a Dream
she came to me
in a dream
in a dream
in 1979
then in 1982
she walked off a bus
she walked off a bus
and into my life
and into my life
and became my wife
and became my wife
and I thank god
and I thank god
every day that she found me
every day that she found me
and I will love her
and I will love her
until the end of time
writers digest prompt write a love poem
based on my true love story for details see ‘dream girls in my blog, https://theworldaccordingtocosmos.com
the noise of the news drowns out spring
the noise of the news
drowning me with fear
none-stop corona coverage
and politics galore
none-stop fear
the noise continues
drowning out
the noise of the spring
outside my door
the birds chirping
the cats flirting
life beginning
making me want
to go outside
poetry superhighway prompt
I am a creature of oceans
grew up with the SF bay area
at my feet
never far from my home
lived inland in Stockton
for four years
also in Ohio
did not like
being so far
from the Pacific ocean
later lived in DC
not too far
from the Atlanta ocean
lived in India
near the beach
writing com Daily Dew Drop Inn Prompt
Ode to my morning coffee
every morning
I like to start my day
with coffee
hot glorious coffee
I pound it down
waiting for the drug
to get me going
but somedays
I need to take a break
too much caffeine
is not good for me
and so I drink decaf
or tea instead
not the same thing
Na/GloPOWR/Mo prompt Day 18
Cats and Dogs Contrapuntal poem
cats and dog people
are so different
some are cat people
some are dog people
and like cats and dogs
they don’t get along
cat people are liberal elites
dog people are down to earth
cat people are mostly women
or gay in the popular imagination
dog people are mostly rugged men
again according to popular imagination
cats are alien creatures
perhaps from another dimension
dogs are friends to humans
for dogs are humans are alike
cats are strange aloof alien
evil self centered creatures
dogs are friendly, down to earth
and loyal to their master
if we ever encounter
an alien species
if it is a cat based species
we will be at war
if it is a dog based species
we will become best friends
as long as we are in charge
and they know that
that is why
in the end
I guest I now prefer
dogs over cats
all poetry contest contrapuntal poem
in the beginning
God created the world
let there be light
and there it was
the whole of creation
then he set loose
the forces of nature
and billions of years later
we emerged from the darkness
just the end result of his divine plan
God set the world up
then he let it runs its course
no need for his intervention
go ethnic
I love food
like I love my woman
dark and hot as hell
spicy yet sweet as heaven
filled with ethnic asian flavors
with an ethnic foreign kick
and accent to boot
these are my to go foods
Never liked traditional American food
too bland to my taste
not ethnic enough
just does not do it for me
Just like my woman
you got to be ethnic
if you want to be my lover
for I will have no other
love Korean food the most
followed by Vietnamese
Thai, Lao, Cambodian, Burmese
Chinese, Mexican, Italian
Italian, Greek, Lebanese
Spanish, Turkish, Indian
French, German, British
Irish, Russian, Polish
never had a bad meal
or met a bad lover
in fact
anywhere in the world
Tweetspeak Go Ethnic
Tweetspeak day 19 prompt
Thursday April 23
Programing a VCR and other terrors
In the old days
I used to dread
the chore
of programing my VCR
just never got the hang
of doing that
the VCR sat there
taunting me
begging me
to do it
to her
but I just never could
learn how to program
that damn machine
Na/GloPOWR/Mo prompt Day 18
Quirk of fate
it was a quirk of fate
that i met my fate
that date
when she walked
of my dreams
into my life
and became my wife
that date
when due to that quirk
of cosmic fate
we met that date
and the rest
well was just
a quirk of fate
writers digest prompt to write a quirk poem
I have bad teeth
I have bad teeth
bad behaving teeth
that have tortured me
over the years
making the trip
to the dentist
an annual chore
that I want to avoid
just don’t want
to hear
I need more fillings
another cavity
another tooth gone bad
as my teeth
laugh at me
mocking me
yet again
poetry super highway prompt to write a confession poem about something you should do but have not done
Letter to My Past Self
today my son
is the day
that you were waiting for
the day you dreaming of
the day when you will meet
the love of your life
who will become your wife
she will be there
on a bus
waiting for you
don’t blow it
meet her
fall in love with her
and remember
she will be your best friend
your best ally
for the rest of your life
so honor and obey
your wife
for you will have
no other
that is what I want to say
to you this day
so go forth
seize the day
and don’t look back
writing.com Daily Dew Drop inn Prompt
Walking the path honesty
I walk down a lonely path
in the woods near my house
a walk with honesty
as my remote companion
pensively 101 prompt three word challenge path, honesty, remote
Covid madness sweeps through the world
General Corona
unleashes his army
the invisible army
upon the world
killing millions
in its wake
spreading chaos and death
as he rides in
on the black horse of death
harbinger of the end of days
destroyer of worlds
ending of the world
revelations come to life
covid19 poem contest all poetry
wild things dance in my head
wild things
dark imaginings
0 dark hundred
they come out to play
to torture me
with their endless games
monsters from the deepest depths of hell
they surround me
taunt me, mock me
until at last
the dawn’s early light
and my wife’s love
dispatches them
back to hell
poetry soup contest
Friday April 24, 2020
Cold Winter day
it is a cold winter day
the heat pump is broken
and the cold slowly spreads
through the frozen pipes
spreading death and destruction
as it permeates across the house
pensively 101 prompt three word challenge pump cold pipes
social distancing walking in the Springtime
in this era of corona virus madness
enforced social distancing madness
one has to go out for a walk
social distancing as we walk
as we walk down the path
trying to avoid people
human contact with people
keeping the proper
six feet social distance
and the dreaded corona virus
how much longer
can we all endure this madness
this damn social
distancing dance with death
writers digest prompt to write a social blank poem
ode to my book shelfs filled with unread books
My house is filled with books
thousands of books
old books mostly
lots of musty classic books
lots of poetry books
lots of how to do it books
lots of history books
lots of thrillers, SF books
so many books
and they are my friends, these books
calling me to read my books
as if I had the time to read these books
to sit and read all my books
sadly many will remain unread books
poetry super highway prompt to write a poem about something in plain sight
Just Shoot me
in 1996 I had the injury
that changed my life
went jogging
fell off a ledge
broke my heel
screamed out in pain
just shoot me
then someone hit me
with a frying pan
ended up
in the hospital
pensively 101 three word challenge, shoot, pain pan
I love food wrappers
Korean lettuce wrapped around meet
Korean seaweed wrapped around fish
Mexican tortilla wraps
Ethiopian bread wraps
and lately
naked burger wraps
so many things
to enjoy and eat
tweet-speak wrappers
pumpkin season
in the fall
My favorite time
of the year
around Halloween
and my birthday
starting in October
ending in December
it is pumpkin time
everywhere you go
pumpkin latte
pumpkin pie
and my favorite
pumpkin ice cream
tweet-speak prompt pumpkin
secret layers
one of the joys of eating
foods from around the world
is enjoying
the secret layers of food
so many flavors
to experience and enjoy
as you dive deep
into your food
enjoying the secret layers
of food
with their hidden delights
and secret spices
secret tweet speak prompt
Saturday April 26, 2020
Finally I wake
tossing and turning
I try to sleep
admit the terrible nightmares
that haunt my dreams
finally I wake
ready to embrace my fate
telling the dangerous delusions
to go away
as I embrace
the dawning Sun
confident that I will find
the time and grace
to overcome the terrible fate
that await me every date
Window of Promise
every day I wake up
and look out my window
on the world
in the morning dawning light
the world seems so full
of promise
promised delights
promised love
promised friendship
as I look out the window
and see life
unfold in all its magnificence
the birds chirping
words of love
the cats grinning smiles
at me
welcoming me
with the promise
of life and love
I close the window
look at my sleeping love
and thank god
that we found each other
and the promised love
that I see outside
the window of life
- Tweetspeak daily prompt
Nature’s Bounty Awaits Me
Looking out at the window
at nature’s bounty
at the springtime air
fills us with awe
as the birds
and even the bees
call out to me
saying it is time
for me
to escape
for a walk in the woods
with my friends
and fans
in mother nature’s embrace
writer digest nature poem
Alone No More
from childhood edge
I have been alone
all by myself
fills my heart
as I look out
at the world
filled with lonely thoughts
then I look about me
and see the love
of my life
my lovely wife
standing there
standing there
and these loneliness
these blues of mine
fade away
into nothingness
lonely no more
for the rest of my life
she will be my life
we will face the future
defeating the loneliness
alone no more
until the day I die
poetry superhighway word map
Has God Anointed Donald Trump as our leader?
God has anointed Trump
as our leader
in these dark dangerous times
who am I to disagree
“I literally went to the Throne Room of God,”
“There was a mist that was coming off the water,
and I went to the throne of God,
and I didn’t see God’s face clearly,
but I saw the face of God…
He put a mantle (on me)
and it was a very distinct mantle
… I saw it very distinctly.
The color was like a goldish,
a yellowish goldish…
And then I saw the Earth for a moment,
and (God) brought me back,
and he put me in certain places,
one being the White House,
one being certain continents.”
From my perspective,
there is a Cyrus
anointing on Trump,”
“I predicted his nomination,
and I believe
he is the chaos candidate
set apart to navigate
us through the chaos
that is coming to America.
I think America
is due for a shaking
regardless of who is in office.
I believe the 45th president
is meant to be an Isaiah
45 Cyrus
“[God] makes that very clear
in the Bible
where he tells us
That he raises up kings
and destroys kingdoms,”
“He even calls a pagan king,
Cyrus, his anointed,
or his servant to do
the things
that he wants him to do.”
“I want to tell you
that the Jewish people
have a long memory,
so we remember
the proclamation of the great king,
Cyrus the Great,
Persian king, 2500 years ago,”
“He proclaimed
that the Jewish exiles in Babylon
could come back
and rebuild our Temple in Jerusalem …
We remember
how a few weeks ago,
President Donald J. Trump
Recognized Jerusalem
as Israel’s capital.
Mr. President,
this will be remembered
by our people through the ages.”
But the bible also has a warning
About our dear leader
Our great leader
The bible says
2 Timothy 3:1-9
But understand this,
that in the last days
there will come times of difficulty.
For people will be lovers of self,
lovers of money,
proud, arrogant, abusive,
disobedient to their parents,
ungrateful, unholy, heartless,
unappeasable, slanderous,
without self-control, brutal,
not loving good,
treacherous, reckless,
swollen with conceit,
lovers of pleasure
rather than lovers of God,
having the appearance of godliness,
but denying its power. Avoid such people. …
finally at last the bible spoke
the truth to power
Donald J Trump
the most ungodly of all
must be opposed
for he is the anti-Christ
that the bible warns us about
in the end days
there will be false prophets
rumors of war
and natural disasters
and we are living
in the end days
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