(On Foreign Debt & Economic Strangleholds)
We borrow breaths, we lease the sky,
We beg for crumbs yet question why.
A nation sold in ink and trade,
A future lost in debts unpaid.
The loans stack high like towers tall,
Yet still we climb, yet still we fall.
They build our roads, they claim our lands,
Yet chain us down with unseen hands.
Each promise comes with strangled terms,
A contract carved where greed affirms.
A bridge they build, a mine they take,
A deal that binds, a wealth they break.
One day the ink will lose its stain,
One day the chains will snap in pain.
For nations rise when debts decline,
And wealth is kept by those who mine.
No borrowed time, no foreign yoke,
No paper hands to grip our throat.
Let debt be ours, let wealth be free,
Let fortune serve, not slavery.
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