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Jake Aller -
writers digest prompt write a lucky/unlucky poem
The Korean Proverb
새영 지마 saeyeong jima
recently came to life in my life
The meaning of the proverb
Is that you can never know whether something
will be good or bad
and that unexpectedly
what appears to be bad fortune
turns out to be a good fortune
The proverb played
out recently in my life
about lunar New Year's Day
we were preparing to go to Thailand
from two weeks from our home
in South Korea
and then at the end of February
we would do to go to DC
My wife blew out her lumber desk
and we were forced to cancel our trips
This occurred
just as the coronavirus
was taking out around the world
and if we had gone
we may have been stuck either in Thailand
or we may have been stuck in the United States
and traveling in the mist of a corona outbreak
would probably mean
that we would have been exposed
to the virus
instead we were forced to stay home
and self quarantine ourselves
and therefore
we escaped being exposed to the coronavirus
and we feel much safer
here in Korea where the outbreak is contained
rather than in DC
where it is still spreading everywhere
so in a sense her misfortune
throwing out her disk
which resulted in us staying at home
and avoiding the coronavirus
is the true meaning
of the Korean Chinese expression
새영 지마 saeyeong jima
the Terrorists were succeeding beyond their wildest dreams
the terrorists were succeeding
beyond their wildest dreams
they thought what were the chances
it was so much better,
easier than they thought
as the bombs dropped all around them
to where it would end
they did not know
All they knew was that
it was all about to end
you see we were facing the end
The morning after the end of the world
the bombs fell and fell
in fact all over the world
it felt that the world would end up
being destroyed as the world ends
and nuclear war
they called for the end of the world
be so it must be they
thought to themselves
would they be able to stop the carnage
so it ends much as it begins
one does not know how it would end up
the bombs doing their bomb thing after all
they were simply bombs
all must die once they are released
after all that was the way it was
the bomb facility opened up death
the death of the whole world
of that we can be sure
following the blue prints
the master plans of the war planners
at the end of the day
it looks like Armageddon
a end of the world game
would it get that bad
to end the world
is that what they wanted
they did not know
it is possible no one knew
it was uncharted territory
it was the end of the world
if the bombs did their bomb thing
Poetry Super Highway Prompt
Turn to page 35 of any book. Use the first two sentences backwards for your prompt. I used James Tate, “Worshipful Company of Fletchers” and got: “ The pleasure of little incidents Remember.”
From Vince Flynn protect and defend original text
If it was possible they wanted to get a look at the blueprints of the facility after all they were doing one so would be called and destroy it in the morning you about where to drop the bomb so better the chances were of succeeding
corona virus tanka
corona virus
it is spreading all over
the world dying
I walk down the path of life
Along with love of my wife
National Poetry Month Day Seven Prompt Tanka
Angela Came to Me for 38 years Bringing me lots of $
Angela Lee came to me
out of a dream she came to me
she walked out of my dreams
eight years after I first dreamt of you
she finally came to me
it has been 38 years now
that she has been my wife
the love of my life
and every day
I recall the dream
of meeting her
she has brought me much to my life
this love of my life my wife
but the most important thing
she has brought to me
besides her endless love of course
is $
massive amounts of $
as she has made me
richer than I could have ever imagined
turning every day my $
into many more $
They say that a man
should marry a woman
born in the year of the Pig
for pig ladies are incredible
at managing $
and if you are so lucky
you will be buried in $
after Richard Garcia A Letter, a Number and some Punctuation
Poemuzine April 7 presentation prompt
The best meal of my life
the best meals of my life
has always been what my wife
cooks up for me every night
she is a genius in the kitchen
always making something great
from the simplest ingredients
Because she came down with celiac disease
she could only eat
what she prepared from scratch
and so she was forced
to give up all processed foods
and in the process she became
the greatest cook
in the universe
I wait with baited breath
to taste the great food
that she creates for me
on lunar new years
she threw out her lumbar disk
and we were forced to stay home
just as the corona pandemic
swept across the world
if we had traveled
we would have contracted
the dreaded corona virus
and we were forced
to stay at home
and she took advantage
of staying at home
to try new dishes
every single day
I recall the Korean proverb
새영 지마 saeyeong jima
as her misfortune
turned into fortune
and once again
she saved me life
I am the luckiest man in life
the best fed man of all I know
due to the cooking skills of my wife
lion dreams of impossible dreams
A lion’s impossible Dream
for all poetry impossible dream contest
An old lion
Roars in his sleep
Recalling an impossible dream
In his dream
He was a man
Who was chasing a dream
Chasing an impossible dream
The man
Was haunted
By a dream girl
A girl who appeared
Nightly in his dreams
Beckoning him to join her
He searched the world
Looking for her
And then one day
She walked
Off a bus
And into his life
The lion woke up
From the impossible dream
Smiling at the thought
Then he went off
To search for his
Impossible dream
Dreaming still
Of being a man
In search
of a dream girl
corona virus haiku
corona virus
brings death and our destruction
destroying our life
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