In my arms - could it be you that I hold
I love you after all the tears and the pain
True love never dies - Forever it will remain
Do you ache for me the way I do for you
This happened for a reason - I know that much is true
But why did it have to separate me - from you
I’ll never understand why all the hurt came that year
I’ll be missing someone forever that much seems clear
First I was without him and now I am without you
I love you both - Couldn’t you love him too
I always enjoyed being your little girl
Will I ever see you again in this world
You had a birthday this last month. I hope you are doing well
We are all doing fine - except for what happened - that’s hell
I guess I’d just like my cake and eat it too
That is to be with him but also to be with you
It’s been 3 years this month since I seen you last
Will it be forever - with you do I only have the past
I pray that you will accept and serve the Lord Jesus Christ
For all our sins and hurts He has already paid the price
I pray too that I receive His healing from this awful grief
He took that to the cross as well - just for me to have relief
I’m happy most days - God is really good
Today though I miss you -
Just the way “Daddy’s Girl” would