The road has forked into two prongs,
Originating from a lub-dub power house,
The first tucked the tail between legs,
Sprinting away on the fastest horse,
Bearing a massive breathing chunk;
Iron fence rises to mask memory cells
And love craves for a finger to scratch an itch,
But fingers are curled into fists of steel,
Distance sinks a participant in a pit of oblivion.
Teary longing reaches out from the miry clay,
Excruciating hunger heaves out from quick sand,
Arms hold on to moving sea waves,
Frantic grasps sliding, slipping away,
All efforts stand suffocated under shipwreck of discipline,
A horde of lessons gathered to form an army
That stands guard on a molten heart solidified to rock.
Vultures pick the mind of the second,
A very present nonexistent,
Whose ears are perked and ready for music from afar,
Nearby games hold no allure,
Like a gazelle bounding off over hills and valleys,
Only streams of refreshment beckon and succeed
And just for the period of a nano-second.
The cheetah dashes away on lightning speed
Leaving a bereft heart to mourn for her loss,
Hugging and kissing a child of dilemma,
Cuddled by an empty chair too familiar,
Laughed at by years devoid of character, light as paper,
Only a bucket load of determination grabs the tail of the fleeing bird,
Then on a daily basis the snake strains to swallow its size.
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