
My dearest, my dearest
You my heart, you my treasure
My dearest, my dearest
Come into my embrace!
Quickly, my dearest!

Ah, my dearest, I love you!
My love is an abyss
I will always, always be here for you to the full!
I will always, always be faithful to the full!

If you are ever about to be unfaithful
Please, please, stab me in my chest instead
Stab me deeply 
Stab me however many times
Please, gouge out my eyes, though it would be make me unable to behold you again in this life
If you are ever about to be unfaithful
Do all this and also cut off my legs, instead
While I am awake and unanaesthetized
Do all this and also cut off all of my limbs
Please, please, burn my library, frame me for murder before the world, vacuum out my stomach, cut my hair
Smash the windows and doors
Expose me to the harsh winter storm
Take away the light, but do this before gouging out my eyes.
If you are ever about to be unfaithful
Do all this and cut off my ears, instead
Rupture my ear drums
Cut off my nose
Move your blades, cut and twist, fast and slow
My dearest, do all this and burn me alive
Please, please, do all this and stab me right in my heart
Stab me deeply
If you are ever about to be unfaithful
Do all this but do not kill me
I will love you the same and forgive you
Even if you are unfaithful to any degree I will love you the same and forgive you
No matter what, I will love you the same and forgive you
My dearest, my dearest
As my warm blood pumps out of the hole over my heart, pump by pump, drink it up and know that I love you


My dearest, my dearest
You my heart, you my treasure
My dearest, my dearest

Stay, stay for some time in my embrace!
Verily, stay forever in my embrace!

Ah, my dearest, I love you!




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