I like to wake up in the middle of the night,
swear at the sky.
the sky is always there
even when i wish it would crash down
and i make up elaborate stories
Some elaborate prayer but i’ve never been religious
But when it's late at night i don’t know who i speak to
Is it me or some twisted version of you
i promised myself, i promised myself i would be better
but i’m still a stickler for belief
second chance, third chance
i believe that people are good, still
i believe that your an outlier, still
I believe so much
For someone so disinterested in faith
You didn’t break that you just made it start to crack
You didn’t break my belief in people, in humanity
But you gave me a reason
To force it to fold
to wish it would break
So i wake up late at night
Oh the sky loves me lots
So i wake up late at night
Wishes go unanswered
But i'm not broken yet
The tape holds me together
Pure will power too
Don’t break me
I’ll put the pieces back
Don’t break me
Now I’m free
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