She dances around breathing fires,
Wearing skirts of sequin,
Sending out messages telepathically,
Inquisitions, her second by second preoccupation,
Her neccesary meal,
Her growth and evolution erupts,
Happening every minute,
Depending solely on her primary assignment;
To heal every species
On every system in the universe,
Even non existent ones.
Every heal extends her life, her death
A changeling,
A capsule,
A gas,
Changing even into plasma forms,
Penetrates everything everywhere anywhere,
Sucking and drawing up failing genes,
Misplaced viruses,
Cancer cells,
Every disease that renders life forms ill,
She stages her presence,
Compulsive correctitude attaining,
Completely invisible,
Only her results announce her,
As millions suddenly stand healed all at once.
Then she zooms off into space,
Never to hear resounding ovations,
That ring out after her.
She lives, dies and lives again
Evolving speedily, continuously
Mating telepathically with redundant males,
Bursting forth and abroad,
To release a million of a progeny,
That are perpetually survived by two,
Male and female,
Quietly, invisibly available
To heal the universe.



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