How does one find the goodness of God during the Christmas season,
When it seems that all hope is gone and they just can'tfind a reason?
How do we tell the one that is lonely at heart,
Who feels that they will never find their sweetheart?
Or the one who has lost their job and experienced financial setback,
And they ponder within themselves ,"Lord, will I ever get back?"
How do we tell others that God's goodness is near,
And they just lost a loved one this year?
Or the one who has been dealing with medical issues and
They have cried out and used up all of the household tissues.
As one can see, finding God's goodness can be very serious.
So we better call on the faithful who have shared the same experience.
For example, tell the lonely at heart that the Lord has
Helped the writer of this poem to find his sweetheart.
Tell the one who are bereaved at heart or have financial setbacks,
Talk to Job and he will tell you "Remain faithful and you will get back."
Tell the ones who have medical issues and just want to climb in a hole,
Check with the woman who said "If I could touch the hem of his garment,
I know I will be made whole."
FInding God's goodness for people whose heart won't let them see
Involves searching his word and talking to believers like you and me.
God displays his goodness in his creation everyday.
He even sent his son to show us the way.
So if you are still searching for God's goodness,
Here is how you can start.
Close your eyes and pray earnestly from the heart,
And if you have not found his goodness
By the time this poem ends,
Remember Christ died for our sins.
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