Flags of our fathers,
Tears of our mothers,
Sorrows for the unborn,
Griefs for troubled children.
Our fathers were on the battlefield,
Our mothers stood at the doorsteps,
They awaited with ambivalent hearts,
Feeble hopes pulled their carts.
Our mothers received letters,
They were saddled with weighing matters,
Tears streamed down their eyes,
As the read melted the ice.
Our fathers arrived,
They have courageously strived,
Tears of joy and anguish welcomed them,
Some ships were void of their captains.
The memory of this lingers,
Archived in books and journals,
Though the war has ended,
Recrimination resides in chambers.
Some tenaciously wield power,
Some are the supporting tower,
Some are relegated and despised,
They converge to diverge.
The forgotten brewed the unknown,
The locked festered the unsaid,
Every man suspects his neighbour,
Gloom permeates the harbour.
Flags of our fathers fly from weary hands,
Our mothers sing redemption songs,
Offspring journey across the seas,
The skin of the land is parched & wrinkled.
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