Torrid sunshine blisters reign on pavement,
that colour coded coffee stain slipway,
wearer of insole-laden footwear,
open source channel for glib hot air,
calculus  from starchy social climber,
stock market drivel flies off tongue,
strolling human morph blasé,
with pin pad digit  as foundation.
Monumental science, deep seat hi tech driver,
gigabyte trencherman data daze diet.
Brain spur gourmet chew astride.
Former high  school swot an Eiffel Tower,
skyline ace thrust  upon a  thrill weaver gold rush,
never found but one can always dream.
YouTube zeitgeist earthling,
has this inner sense of being  from another planet,
this quaint fast lane time zone voyageur.
Like house trained pets they watch,
their  owner grudgingly abandon sham control.
Wafer thin leash a scrimshaw ornament.
The plot thickens but somehow comes undone,
bit part player yearns holistically,
for untangled bits with interlocking  act,
in depth scene dialogue now bill topper,
if only it would last.
They long for blue flag coast escape,
homely hide out guest house fringe,
found loitering perniciously or otherwise.
Birdhouse green leaf copycat,
assembly for well intentioned like minds,
that rarely think alike unless it suits.
Caught between ephemeral impasse,
and amber moon orb dalliance,
their noble quest waylay,
but an out of date signage,
in urgent need of reinvention



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