You have come this distant path along the road,
with that close to the heart attainment in mind,
that one true project of yours among many,
travel even further than planned is my council,
Never let distance or further be your last stop,
on that cherished dream known as wish fulfilment,
Half way mark obstacles coincidence erects,
are a stainless steel test of your resolve,
Please resolve to ignore the above tests,
where and when that option is succinctly yours,
or simply surmount them with enthusiastic zeal,
say with firmness I can do this again without fail,
and when patently necessary again and again,
repetition beneficial and germane with maximum zest,
one step falter golden goad or spur I dismiss,
I’m going to do this at some point or other,
no matter how distant this point may be,
I’m already building bridges in to this effect,
bridges that don’t just exist as plain fantasy,
but bridges as concrete as that goal I aspire to
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