He looked over the horizon, for a storm drew steadily near.
No longer blinded by the illusionary safety cultivated in nearsightedness,
The reality he so easily once ignored,
Now engulfed the essence of his conscious mind.
Paralyzed by the overwhelming emotions induced by inevitable turmoil,
From his front porch he watched as darkness flooded the sky.
The wind calmed and an eerie silence overtook his surroundings.
Left with only the internal noise his mind produced,
He took a breath.
He knew he should have better prepared and paid attention to the warning signs.
He knew he should have evacuated as the others so tenderly warned,
But he could never find the strength to leave his beloved home.
He had prayed and hoped that the storm would miss,
A naïve gesture that allowed him to ignorantly continue his normal routine.
He had denied his own denial for too long.
So, the storm drew closer and he accepted his fate.
Through it all, he knew his indecision was still a decision.
In this he found comfort and in this he would breathe his last breath.
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