If these walls had lips,
It would tell of the gloom in the hearts of those that wrote on it,
It would tell of the travails in the hearts of those that drew on it,
It would tell of the varying roads that the mind takes.

If these walls had lips,
It would tell of the ancient times,
It would tell of the monsters that strived with men,
It would tell of the cracks and crevices the heart desires to fill,
It would tell you of the heart's deepest search for the True light.

If these walls had lips,
It would tell of shadows and meadows,
The former are those that have come to its residence,
The latter are the fields the feet found its pathways.

If these walls had eyes,
It would see our true form,
It would understand us better,
Tears would stream down its eyes,
It would desire to have hands to embrace us.



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