Judge Not
by: T.Hailes
My name is Mona, and I'm a sex slave.
My daddy lost a bet and used me to make a trade,
I told him I would do better do whatever he say.
It fell on deaf ears because he so easily gave me away,
to a man named Larry, who told me to call him daddy.
I thought he was a good guy till he started treating me badly.
He used needles on my arm poked and stabbed me,
Then he rapped, bound, tied me up, and gagged me.
He did it daily, over and over again, and again, and again.
Just When I thought it would end, he pimped me out to his friends.
I'm 20 now and feel so uncomfortable in my own skin
If you were wondering, this all started when I was only 10.
I'm a woman now, so Larry has me walking the streets,
Pulling tricks on Johns bringing him the money treats.
Addicted to heroin, doing everything to feed the beast,
knowing this, when you look at me now what do you see?
Judge not lest ye be judged,
Not every black urbanite is a thug.
Some addicts never chose to be addicted to drugs. 
Take a look around it's time to say enough is enough,
So let's stand up to violence and spread the love.
My name is Ted; people call me "the homeless dude"
You probably seen me holding a sign, "will work for food"
I'm a homeless vet, and I suffer from post-traumatic stress,
battle tested, battle ready, I ranked amongst the best.
But now I'm addicted to heroin and my whole life is a mess,
It wasn't always this way there used to be a lot less stress.
Until the day I held my Sargent in my arms as he bled to death,
On top of that the I.E.D. blast left me nearly deaf.
They shipped me back home and gave me pills to ease the pain,
I got so used to taking them, now without them, it doesn't feel the same.
My doctor cut me off because I double filled my Xanax prescription,
so I turned to Heroin to fill the void that was created by my addiction.
I was a D.A.R.E. kid in school; I never thought I would be addicted to drugs,
Knowing this when you look at me, do you see a vet, or a drug addicted thug?
Judge not lest ye be judged,
Not every black urbanite is a thug.
Some addicts never chose to be addicted to drugs. 
Take a look around it's time to say enough is enough,
So let's stand up to violence and spread the love.



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