You teach me to relax
And ill teach you to let life rattle you
to the core til your wide eyes glisten and bones
expand so fast the walls of your skin have
no choice but to shatter
Launching slivers of the smallest pieces of
you in every direction,
A collection of fragmented rainbow
exploding upon itself.
This change will prove catastrophic when I
fail to collapse into myself at the tilt of lips
Catastrophic when ghosts dance along the
road and lunge at you as you plunder
through the fog,
Faces so clear and twisted you wake up six hours later
Suffocating in the cloth meant to keep you
Gasping for relief from lack of oxygen and
Oversupply of life.
Someday when I no longer hear your voice
While I sleep
I’ll wipe away handprints staining windows
From the outside and think only of
Rather than yearning.
When this day comes,
You’ll walk down the beach with your toes
Submerged so you can’t imagine the water
Replacing your footprints and
The imprint of your impending fatality that drips
Desperation into even the grayest corners of
Your life.

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