The poison came out of nowhere,
causing me to obsess of her oft'...
leaving me icy cold, defenseless

I'm invisible in her presence,
so she means nothing to me says my voice...
though it clashes violently with meditations

I could go adrift chasing her eyes,
if only I could stare long enough,
but time is always the victor

So the dosage is never really available --
and circumstances hasten me
into the clear night cleansed by rain

(Making me walk with the lonely stars)

Her utterances cause dizziness,
though they're just spent needles
to deliver more anguish and symptoms

Soon after her departures
the poison keeps charging through my veins
even though I've never swallowed it

Betrayed by those smiles:
such obviously fleeting invitations,
Still, I remain infected...

So being fully aware of my haplessness --
It's her deadliest effect, and without cure:
Thus my decline intensifies further

as I weep amid the reconciling stars

The End



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