Unfolding stars and deep blue hues lie on the other side of night, I lock myself into Indian-style on the dew-smacked blades of grass wondering if the sky will release its solemn bounty, and if I will survive the flow of ether that spreads like spores across the jagged breeze of the firmament… at this point the formula is untested, I am eaten by the strange beasts of the sunset family, colors and chill ravage my osmotic body, I breathe the darkness that Hades knows… like a scuba-dive into the stratosphere pulling the awe like tides out of my heart, as space collapses and collapses on me like a sick lung… I find that if I purge all anxiety I can reach the edge of the world… and somewhere in that shadow lay the solid betterment of the soul, and the little epiphanies that come with famine of spirit break loose like fish into my consciousness, I am undone in separate dimension and crawl pitilessly towards the sun… out here the body does not have want for gravity that coddles the senses, out here I kiss the multitudes with splayed arms and wide eyes, I mix with the currents of the universe like dry martinis eating their separateness into one whole delight of soul-confections, and gentle music unhinges the galactic promise of the earth… far below me, but in me and through me… I travel back to the cape where I once strolled barefoot across ages of oceans, and weather-worn streets, playing flashlight tag in the shimmy of this same night, and am glad to know myself through all this skin-changing and soul-surfing till I open my light eyes into the fenced and peaceful yard where I once had the courage to merge with everything…
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