Northern Beach
I find her on the northern beach,
all silver-tangled in a net,
I slap away the flies
& bring her home.
What is this? says my wife.
She squints her eyes, sniffs.
Half dead, I know by the smell.
Why did you bring it here?
I beg my wife
for her forbearance,
caring for a needful thing --
a thing beyond her eyes,
Aemoi,, maiden of the sea.
Let it rest with us and heal.
When it's well, I'll take it back, I say.
Her mouth tracks down,
but she agrees.
I fill a tub with salty water,
our creature nestles in, laughs
up at me, with wondrous eyes.
When she is strong and well,
I return her to the northern beach.
She shakes the tangles from her hair
& leaves a love note in the sand
but not without a kiss good-bye
that sends me reeling.
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