Once upon a time
Somewhere in some Africa
In line with your divine
Or mine, or contrary to that
In par, in leu, in lack of any
Some, or maybe - many,
Or God forbid - “Particular” intent
Yet certainly, and probably
With no doubt - without
Dent in attitude
Remorse, regret, or -
Getting out
Of his/her mind
Or losing sleep
Or having other
So called “awakening event”
Someone who silently
And likely selfishly
While disappointed
Yet to some point - bluntly
And obviously unaware
Of misalignment
With local, focal, and - very vocal
Minus minor, yet finer
Spectrum of opinions
That someone unilaterally
While disregarding own thoughts
Committed act of negligence
With undeniable
Explicitly presented evidence
Less thoughtfulness aside,
And stiffness
Coarseness, hardness,
Or even lack of hair atop his head
Which must be groomed
(He keeps forgetting that :))
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