Oh no, what's this, a cancerous lump
No sadly, it's worse, it's Donald J Trump
Wait how can this be, he's all over TV
What magic can bring forth a prince from a flea
This arrogant troll claims he gives great advice
Your future, he'll secure, for a one-time low price
Starting day one he'll make right what is wrong
Point blame where it's due, cast the weak from the throng
For white wealthy men, the world's still your oyster
All others, this way to your Trump-branded cloister
He says he alone can add bread to your plate
But in Trump's brave new world, you'll live outside his gate
Should we now set aside those true values we hold
Choose pride, which sparks fires, while unity grows cold
Running left, running right, no desire to find center
This obsession to win keeps us angry and splintered
Can't we see that not divided but united we thrive?
Can our morality be authentic when we let others just survive?
It's quite easy to critique when you've got towers made of gold
When privilege and selfishness keeps you safe from the cold
Wake up, fellow humans, step into the light
This self righteous demagogue rules by ratings and spite
Search deep in your heart, make your choice, do what's right
Though darkness creeps near we can't give up our fight
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