Our president
I am the American
who does not want to be
an American.
I am the divinely inspired
who does not want to manifest
his destiny.
I am the seducer and murderer
of Indians, I am he
who enslaved Africans,
who followed the imperialist
imperative, who turned
shiploads of Jews
away to the Nazi furnace.
I am the American
who can't stop being
an American.
I'm the brash, the arrogant
the self-made man gone wrong
who drinks too much and talks
too loud, big belly and big
cowboy hat, fat cigar
and fat capital ventures.
I am the American
who does not want to dream
anymore. I'm tired
of guilt for the sins of my fathers,
and for sins I've committed against my fathers.
Big Sky, Great Divide, huddled masses:
open wide, swallow me whole.
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