It’s been a long time
Since I’ve raised roses,
Or children,
But I imagine the rules 
are kind of the same.

Some things you know.
Some things you don’t.
What you know, you might not.
What you don’t, you probably do.
When you have it finally figured out, you’ll find there’s always more.

Look with celebration at how it grows .
Look with patience at how it stalls .
Look with compassion at how it struggles .

If it’s fine and healthy, let it be.
If it’s setting up to bloom, let it be.
If it has fallen, pick it up.                                                                         
Give it a glass of water.
Set it in a sunny place
And let it try again.

Help it let go of what it doesn’t need anymore.
Help it make room for change.

If it gives you deep joy,
If it makes you bleed,  
If all the thorns matter less 
Than that one soft petal on your cheek,
Then, you 
​have raised roses.



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